Example sentences of "[pron] enable [pers pn] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The same tenacious vanity which enabled him to survive the next nine years of penury wrecked his chances of succeeding as a writer .
2 Lapworth was passionate in his search for truth and exactness in the solution of geological problems , and diplomatic in his presentation , gifts which enabled him to propose the accepted solution to a famous controversy .
3 Douglas affected a dispatch box pose which enabled him to deliver the juicier bits of the legal volte- face to a point in the mid-distance somewhere above the Opposition gallery .
4 Some ( e.g. pupil 3 ) attempted to obtain the answer to the question from the pattern of numbers relating to unshaded squares but most pupils saw the relationship between shaded and unshaded in each diagram which enabled them to calculate the required number directly .
5 The secret of these organisations is that they have a power which enables them to keep the key people which they want , even if executive search consultants potentially and actually try to lure them away .
6 These criticisms are commonly voiced by those who have some political or academic axe to grind and who are , or think that they are , the blessed recipients of some God-given intuition which enables them to divine the actual mind of Parliament , no matter how obscure or equivocal the language in which it has chosen to express itself .
7 Even if the reason does n't seem fully convincing , or seems in itself unimportant , the process of analysing the word can sometimes serve as a trigger which enables you to remember the correct spelling .
8 This will involve communication from the relevant semantic entry to the phonological output lexicon , which enables you to produce the appropriate spoken form corresponding to the semantic entry , i.e. to say ‘ elephant ’ ( unless what we asked you to do was write the answer down , in which case what is needed is communication from semantics to the orthographic output lexicon ) .
9 It is especially this formation which enables us to define the difficult concept of a fraction .
10 It is the behaviour of the indicators which enables us to unravel the conceptual and definitional ambiguities .
11 It is God as Father who enables us to see the true essence of God .
12 Wish art goes on to emphasize the importance of the electric media in breaking the hegemony of notation , for they enable us to capture the actual sounds , in all their inflectional complexity — freed from the ‘ filtering ’ effects of notation — and in experiential rather than spatialized time .
13 Does it enable them to make the right choice in the heat of the moment ?
14 For instance , it enabled him to use the very struggle for a subject , which had occupied so much of his line , since we can partly see that struggle as a struggle within Milton over his own humanist heritage .
15 It enabled him to ask the bluntest of questions in the politest of tones and to disguise his opinion behind the blandest of smiles .
16 Picturesque asymmetry appealed to him because it enabled him to allow the logical sequence of the rooms and considerations of service and privacy to determine the entire plan from of the house without any unnecessary duplication of accommodation .
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