Example sentences of "[pron] live in [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them lived in a rented house , while the Taiwan Ten took over the garage and yard .
2 Without turning round he said in a harsh voice : ‘ If you want to know about Inez , Mr Wycliffe , you must ask Sara , the two of them lived in the same house for nearly twelve years .
3 What had originated as a spontaneous civilian outburst now began to be depicted in the international media as a revolt by Iraq 's majority Shia community , most of whom lived in the southern part of the country .
4 The report showed that there were between 27,000,000 and 35,000,000 blind people in the world , over 90 per cent of whom lived in the developing world , mostly in rural areas .
5 Nothing lived in the entire village , and there was no sign of what had caused the deaths .
6 The project outline claims that no-one lives in the inner zones , although this is disputed by local non-governmental organizations ( NGOs ) , which insist that tribal people currently use all of the forest .
7 Of course , not everyone lives in a nuclear family , and there are families where the costs are shared equally or nearly so , or where the housing tenure is held jointly by both partners , but they are not the norm .
8 I lived in a small village in Essex with my sister , who was over twenty years older than me , and married to Joe Gargery , the village blacksmith .
9 Finances were riding along the crest of a slump and I lived in a one-room penthouse in Bakers Arms , Leyton ( on top of the opticians ) .
10 I lived in a large house converted into flats .
11 I lived in a different house , read different books , played different games and so on , and , despite various efforts , could not become popular .
12 And I lived in a back-to-back houses , and concrete floors , no no carpets on .
13 I lived in the same house as him once .
14 For example , I live in a rural village that is prized because of its good connections with London .
15 As the Minister knows , I live in a rural area and if I want to go to hospital I first have to go to Paisley .
16 I live in a one-bedroomed flat with very little cupboard space and I 'm fed up with the piles of clothes and shoes I trip over all the time .
17 I live in a simple house .
18 I live in a small village in Suffolk called Wetheringsett .
19 That 's always a concern at the villages , because I live in a town , I live in a small town near here , erm I 've had a lot of dealings in villages , and people who live in villages always want to have starter homes , but as soon as you put an application in for starter homes , there 's even more opposition to it , as happened down in Bleasby , Council threw that one out .
20 He says we 've had wide and varied enquiries — especially from London-based purchasers looking for something for the weekend — something he can tell his friends ’ Well actually I live in a turreted folly in the Cotswolds ! ’ …
21 They ai n't gon na be in time — I live in a short street .
22 I live in , I live in a three bedroom semi-detached house
23 Now I live in a painful planet , transparent as ice ; but it is as if I had learned everything in seconds …
24 ‘ My nieces also tell me I live in the Mughal age , ’ he replied .
25 ‘ Most of the time I live in the real Peru , ’ he told me , ‘ but the Cross Keys is designed to be Not Peru — a place where the gringo and the expat who live here all the time can escape from all the hassling , the beggars and all that crap — and relax . ’
26 The Prime Minister answered a question that I put to him earlier this year by referring to the fact that he did not believe that I live in the real world .
27 He and I live in the same street .
28 There are 200 species of primate , 90 per cent of them living in the tropical rainforests of Asia , Africa and South and Central America .
29 Many have good sight , but there are a few forms which have lost their eyes , some of them living in the lightless world of caves .
30 " The skeleton of a micro-organism which lived in the ancient seas from which the chalk in the putty was deposited .
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