Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] stand at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I would stand at the street door and wait until his tall , burly figure appeared , still plodding along with that measured tread acquired from years on the beat .
2 I can stand at the back .
3 Anca Petrescu 's model was of a palace which would stand at the heart of a new city .
4 In the hall she would put on her hat and , lulling all suspicions of decay and its mortifications to rest in the conviction of her own economical and resourceful genius , with Gigi on her shoulder , she would stand at the head of the basement staircase screaming ( Gigi would scream too ) for Silly-Willie and Brigid to come and take her instructions and give their assistance while she created some nauseating delicacy for Dada 's dinner .
5 so she can stand at the basin .
6 Nick is the man with the baseball glove who can stand at the end of the practice range and catch his master 's ball no matter whether it has been struck with a sand-iron or a driver .
7 Look , if you must do something you can stand at the kitchen door and shout .
8 We had to pick the bind out by hand , er the coal was all er sorted on the screens and er er a u u us lads , we used to stand at the side of the belts that were travelling round and tipping the coal into the wagons down below you see ?
9 Through each performance he would stand at the rear of the audience , his arms crossed and his head sunk down into his body as he peered intently at the stage .
10 However , once the patient can stand and balance successfully , he can stand at the sink , and perhaps move sideways using the kitchen units for support , so the exercise also involves the physical work of balancing and transferring weight .
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