Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [be] assume [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From some authors it may be assumed that pluralism represents an especially naive set of propositions about how political power is perfectly , or nearly perfectly , distributed within Western liberal democracies .
2 On this basis , it may be assumed that reliability estimates ought to exceed 0.7 if a test is to be regarded as providing ‘ reliable ’ scores .
3 When one recollects that bequests were made in the hope of securing the prayers of beneficiaries for the donor 's soul , it may be assumed that bridges , and also roads , were in sufficient use for such gifts to be regarded as a good piece of spiritual investment .
4 As other factors may influence company returns it may be assumed that beta is not a measure of total risk .
5 When no data is provided , or if the only information available is an average number of additions , it should be assumed that additions are equally probable anywhere .
6 It must be assumed that people who test antibody positive , still have HIV infection , are infectious and could pass the virus on to others .
7 So it might be assumed that Scott 's design was placed higher than the other Gothic entries because it showed the two offices as separate structures , rather than one .
8 ‘ Any beer in the house ? ’ asked Boyd , as soon as the car engine had started up and it could be assumed that Mrs Stych was on her way .
9 This point will , however , be ignored until Chapter 10 , and in the meantime it will be assumed that profit maximisation is in the social interest regardless of the particular market structure within which the company operates .
10 Establishments were obviously catering for a different market in the evening , and it can be assumed that customers were prepared to spend more time and to pay more for a different ‘ meal experience ’ .
11 Since no comment is made on the author being recently dead , it can be assumed that publication had been arranged while Leapor was still alive .
12 While it can be assumed that routine bookkeeping and other financial support services are readily available , questions of profit-making and pricing are likely to cause the surveyor difficulties .
13 It can be assumed that m in Figure 6.2 ( b ) has acquired its synchronous rotation through the operation of such forces .
14 While there is no penalty stated for breach of the rule , it can be assumed that parties will not be allowed to found on any document not mentioned in the list as produced .
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