Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [prep] a particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If I point to a particular item in a room and say " that " , we can say that the demonstrative encodes distance from the origo , whether actual or mental , and the coincidence of indexical and symbolic meaning is only possible when we know what object is being pointed to .
2 When I work in a particular area I want to know why a landscape looks as it does .
3 The more micro-based studies , which focus on a particular expenditure programme or transfer policy , often offer a more tractable research problem , but these are inevitably open to the criticism that they are very partial in nature , giving no real insight into whether government intervention is narrowing or widening the extent of overall economic inequality ( assuming we can agree how to measure it ! ) .
4 Although , as I mentioned before , rival groups of psycholinguists dispute the question of whether , when , and how the central systems exert a top-down influence upon the parsing processes , contemporary psycholinguistics proceeds on the assumption that levels of linguistic representation ( phoneme , morpheme , noun phrase , clause , etcetera ) are ‘ psychologically real ’ in the sense of referring to processes in the nervous system which take a certain time , which happen in a particular order , and which have determinate causal relations to similar processes .
5 It is followed by a section on specific entry requirements and then by a section for each of our eight faculties giving a description of the courses offered and of any special arrangements which apply to a particular faculty .
6 However despite the great variety of demi-caractère ballets staged since 1789 there appear to be only three main sources of gesture which contribute to a particular style for a particular ballet .
7 A method for representing the logical combinations of various states which lead to a particular outcome ( top event ) ( Reference 5 ) .
8 Within a long programme you may find a short sequence which contains exactly what you want for a particular lesson .
9 ( i ) The Preview-knowing what you want This is a crucial stage since it predetermines what you want from a particular history book and therefore how you are to approach it .
10 Well , that does n't sound very sophisticated to say , these are the questions when you just write everything you know about a particular issue .
11 When you get angry you pump all sorts of different chemicals around your body and they do n't do your body any good that 's for sure , you know you get the adrenalin that starts making everything well making the blood move faster heart beat faster you get other chemicals ready and if those chemicals are n't used properly or if something does n't happen and it uses those particular chemicals and they 're left inside the body then that causes eventually physical illness in some sort of physical wearing of some sort or another , so gradually just the opposite of this where you 're you 're not internalising your throwing it out , but there 's a hell of a lot in there that 's been stored up there and bottled up there before it throws out , and when you do tend to be aggressive it 's not because you 're being aggressive on purpose it 's because it 's just something that just happens and wells up when you get to a particular point and whoosh out it comes .
12 CAT is a donee-based tax in which the more people who share in a particular inheritance the lower the tax will be .
13 If you play against a particular army a lot then you 'll naturally try to assemble your own force so that it stands the best possible chance against that foe .
14 If you change you mind about a particular colour that you have used in your pattern , you can replace it with another from your woolbox collection .
15 You are not a risk because you belong to a particular group , but you could put yourself at risk if you behave in ways which allow HIV transmission .
16 Those who belong to a particular group or stratum will have some awareness of common interests and a common identity .
17 There were n't the business organisations that we have today , which place those who work in a particular place in the structure , as employee or employer .
18 People who work in a particular business tend to read the relevant trade and technical press , whether in the UK it be The Grocer , Marketing , Electronics Weekly , the British Baker , or whatever .
19 Rank Xerox also talks to non-competitors who excel in a particular function .
20 It is through literature that we grow into a particular kind of awareness of ourselves and — an inseparable corollary — of our manifold relations with each other and all that is not self , without which there is really not much ‘ self ’ to talk about .
21 If we say newspapers are a mass medium , we refer to a particular kind of ‘ message — news .
22 Individuals will also vary in the importance they attach to a particular time-cue .
23 It measures and quantifies how they act within a particular pattern of living .
24 The evidence suggests that they operate in a particular way , namely that there are predictable patterns in flows of support between older and younger generations , in which support flows in both directions , but on balance the older generation are the givers and the younger the receivers .
25 When they decide on a particular form of credit , their decision commonly has nothing to do with cost : it is simply that that form of credit is almost automatically part of the buying process that they 're used to .
26 They start from a particular point and then build out sideways as in the traditional picture of a delta .
27 Can I suggest that they probably simply do not know , they work in a particular way , a particular level .
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