Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] expect [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example whatever the nature of the case be it acute or chronic I would expect to see some signs of improvement indicating a curative response within a very short while .
2 So as I say I would expect to see these percentages significantly increased erm .
3 In both blue-collar and white-collar employment , the long-predicted world in which nobody could expect to have one job for a lifetime has now arrived .
4 Few people write a first draft perfectly and you should expect to complete several revisions .
5 How has modern portfolio theory been used to evaluate portfolio performance and show how and why you might expect to find different performance rankings from the different measures .
6 That 's where you might expect to find cold wine .
7 Well it was just so funny , it 's just the kind of place you 'd expect to see naughty boys , there was you sitting to the
8 But not as many as you would have if you were using the treble clef because you 'd probably end up with a lot of lower this is wha , that is n't a particularly good example really because it has n't given a lot of lower notes but normally you 'd expect to see more notes down on these lines .
9 With her porcelain skin , china doll face and fragile figure , Josephine Mitchell is the last person you 'd expect to find strong-arming thugs around Summer Bay , let alone pinning down macho man Craig McLachlan in a passionate clinch .
10 Now if you knew which numbers were selected less frequently than others , and you kept that information to yourself and you bet on those numbers that were selected less frequently , then unless there 's any special reason why those numbers should produce fewer score draws than other numbers , you 're giving yourself an advantage because on the weeks in which those numbers produce score draws there are fewer people who 'll have them down as their numbers , and so there 's more money around for those few people who have them down , including you , and so if you win , then you 'd expect to win more money .
11 Conversely , many younger people will be the first generation in their family who can expect to inherit substantial amounts .
12 If we are accused of structuring a massive bid proposal to expressly favour G Tec , and if G Tec end up being the only bidder we should expect to encounter major public relations and or legal problems , and we could end up paying far more than we had anticipated for the needed goods and services .
13 If these theories are by and large correct we should expect to find proteinoid globules occurring spontaneously in modern volcanic environments .
14 Time is money , and one must expect to see more pressure being brought to bear to reduce to a minimum the time taken from the start of a project to the arrival of the product on the shelves .
15 If what Jespersen suggests were true , however , one might expect to show some tendency to be dropped in the uses where it is " meaningless " and there is no sign of this occurring in any of the functions listed either by Buyssens or by Jespersen .
16 ‘ Is n't it also unacceptable that it took the management of British Nuclear Fuels longer than one might expect to make this incident public , especially bearing in mind that Dr Lewis Moonie [ a Labour front-bencher ] and I actually visited this site on Thursday and Friday of last week and were not informed that these excessive discharges had taken place ? ’
17 In the case of both Interleaf and Xerox 's Documenter the companies have also recognised the importance of being able to accept textual or graphic information from other sources and this is something that we would expect to see other vendors follow suit on .
18 If we were to move from standstill to cutbacks , we would expect to see further changes in behaviour .
19 The implications of this for employment are that we would still expect to see large-scale manufacturing in developed countries , absorbing substantial amounts of labour ( though this labour would be involved in knowledge work rather than metal-bashing ) ; and we would expect to see more labour employed again in small firms producing semi-custom-made products or services using machinery produced by the large companies .
20 Having said that er we would prefer a quota system for er Stansted because without it , we could have a large number of noisey flights into Stansted and , and also that er in terms of er both this and further consultations we would expect to see full information providing us from er , a to enable us to make a sensible conclusion .
21 Going by their logic , we would expect to see riotous behaviour by stressed small business owners and financial investors at rugby union or American football matches .
22 ‘ And while we would expect to win that game at home , I 'm under no illusions .
23 Similarly , if we could trace back the ancestry of all the genes in existing mice , through successive replications , for the same long period , we would expect to find those genes in animals belonging to a single species .
24 If we knew enough and could identify all the individual animals alive , say , one hundred million years ago which were ancestral to existing mice , we would expect to find those animals all belonging to a single species ( although , if we went back far enough , we might not call that species a house mouse ) .
25 Politics , however — at least in the sense of nationalist feeling — had for many decades been an important and even a dominant theme in children 's fiction , and we would expect to find Ruritanian stones using nationalistic honour as a theme at least in books where adventure made any pretence of being more than a game .
26 If there were large regions of anti-matter in our galaxy , we would expect to observe large quantities of radiation from the borders between the regions of matter and antimatter , where many particles would be colliding with their antiparticles , annihilating each other and giving off high energy radiation .
27 The increase is slightly less in the case of beverages , which is what one would expect given that wine stocks could service two establishments more easily than food ones .
28 If the secularisation of the working-class had gone ahead as rapidly as Engels wished to believe , one would expect to see some reflection of this in figures showing the growth of Rationalist and Secularist Societies .
29 Despite food hygiene regulations and the Food Safety Act , it is surprising that one of the principal aids to compliance is often neglected ; where one would expect to see commercial refrigeration it is still not uncommon to find domestic style refrigerators and freezers .
30 When the distribution of revenue is seen to be equitable , one would expect to see this intransigence diminish and with it doubts about the commitment of the UK to the EC .
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