Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] need [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I must find him before I sail home , and come to think of it I 'll need to fix the boat too !
2 thing and that 's without a pump , so to set up it 'll cost me probably a thousand and a bit and I want and then I 'll need to have the rest of the money left over to survive
3 Trent said , ‘ I 'll need to get the sails ready . ’
4 I 'd need to study the tape to discover the body on the ground .
5 If I am going to do it , I 'd need to know the English Channel approach backwards .
6 I would need to read the whole of that alarming corpus over again before I was quite sure of it , and I apologize for this extra quarter of an hour .
7 The second truism is one I shall need to answer the question : why should we want to be told the truth ?
8 ‘ That said , I felt we deserved to take more out of the game and I will need to check the papers before I believe the result . ’
9 This is followed by an initial request for project authorization which will need to describe the project briefly , indicate approximate costs and likely benefits and contain an estimate of the cost of a feasibility study and its timing .
10 ( And if you use this method to send information to a laser printer , you may need to put the printer off-line and press the Form Feed button before it will produce the output ) .
11 It could take some trial and error to discover the correct interval ; and you may need to chart the person 's pattern .
12 you may need to move the needles back a little by hand to knit the stitches off .
13 You may need to remind the Chair of the length of the agenda or the point at issue if a speaker is not keeping to the matter at issue .
14 You may need to clean the flanges on the end of the axle shaft slightly with a grinder to allow the wheels to fit over .
15 If it 's shorter you may need a pair of ( 22mm/¾″ BSP ) tap adaptors ; if longer , you may need to cut the pipe and then fit two new ( 22mm¾″ BSP ) tap connectors .
16 You may need to seek the advice of wood treatment/damp treatment firms , who will carry out a free survey for you ( subject to the agreement of the vendor ) .
17 Recognise in time , perhaps only from the despair of repeated failure , that you yourself did not cause the disease , can not control it and can not cure it and that in time you may need to surrender the fight and hand over the care of the sufferer 's addictive disease to his or her own appropriate Anonymous Fellowship .
18 Depending on which publications you believe will be interested , you may need to photograph the product in two or three of these ways .
19 You may need to specify the number of tap holes it has : two for pillar taps , one for a ‘ monobloc ’ .
20 You may need to get the pH right for breeding and in that situation 5pH is not too low .
21 After about five minutes you may need to change the blotters but , eventually , when it looks as if it is not going to curl , you can remove the weight and let it air dry .
22 Since INKEY and INKEY$ get a character from the normal input stream , you may need to empty the input buffer before you use them .
23 You may need to cover the resolution of disputes and other problems arising from the day to day administration of business .
24 You may need to help the patient at work , especially if he is returning to his own business .
25 You may need to reduce the amount you use .
26 Begin by offering up the tree to the hole , some root systems will be rather one-sided and you may need to adjust the hole accordingly .
27 She must need to feed the bairn .
28 To get this information , you 'll need to use the column on the right .
29 You 'll need to use the claw when you pick one of the big pawpaws .
30 You 'll need to see the clothing department as well , ’ she said .
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