Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [not/n't] [be] said to " in BNC.

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1 The Salvationists associated together ‘ for a purpose which can not be said to be otherwise than lawful and laudable , or at all events can not be called unlawful ’ .
2 But what about those conflicts that do not take place within such a constituted social system , such as conflictual bourgeois societies which can not be said to be unified , except , as Sartre suggests dismissively , by appeal to a lost paradise before the class struggle ?
3 In adjudicating , a meaning is attributed to a rule of law which can not be said to be correct or incorrect .
4 Some change is certainly necessary , but by itself can not be said to be sufficient or specific .
5 English has no dental or labiodental plosive phonemes , so in these cases , although there is clearly assimilation , there could not be said to be a substitution of one phoneme for another .
6 The Libyan quarrel was referred to Bishop Dionysius of Alexandria , a very well-educated man , who sided with those theologians who stressed the distinctness of Father and Son ; they should not be said to be of one being but to be as distinct as the husbandman and the vine .
7 This will account for the fact that although it is the obvious lesson of Darwinism that species mutate , they can not be said to be aware of this nor in any sense to change themselves .
8 Descombes describes a comparable paradoxical structure in his account of ‘ originary delay ’ : a first event can not be the first event if it is the only event ; it can not be said to be a first until it is followed by a second , which then retrospectively constitutes it as the first — which means that its firstness hovers over it as its meaning without being identifiable with it as such .
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