Example sentences of "[pron] [be] to say [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Which is to say that the idea of being married to him offends you ? ’
2 Further ( 7 ) the causal circumstance is dependently necessary to the effect , which is to say that the effect dependently necessitates the circumstance .
3 Slot screw fixing at the back of course ; but if the front is n't glued into its groove , who is to say that the back is n't going to remain static , while the front shrinks out of its groove ?
4 And who is to say that the topography of the Somerset village of East Coker is unimportant to a reading of Eliot 's four Quartets ?
5 The Spanish State also had its concerns : as it was investing so much in the collection , who was to say that the Baron had perfect title to all the works ?
6 After all , it was maintained , who was to say that the Dunstaple treatment was not just beginning to work each time as McNab began to apply his treatment ?
7 If we were to say that the topic of this discourse fragment is ‘ the meaning of the expression ‘ smoke the houses ’ ' , we could not claim to have said very much of analytic interest .
8 Suffice as it 's to say that the negotiations did provide for extra seats for Germany in account of the additional population that accrued to Germany from the reunification of East and West Germany and er er at the same time the opportunity was taken to allot some extra seats to some other countries er which erm bore in mind er more closely than before , the respective differences in population sizes of the various countries that make up the community , er the two special committees that I referred to Mr Deputy Speaker , were set up in July nineteen ninety three .
9 Roughly , it is to say that the statement ( R ) , and ( C ) true statements of certain conditions , and ( L ) a true lawlike statement , together entail the statement ( W ) .
10 Our constituents look to us to obtain redress ; if the only satisfaction that we can give them is to say that the matter is out of our hands , it will not be long before they begin to wonder why they voted for us at all .
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