Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [verb] [art] [adj] thing " in BNC.

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1 I am doing no such thing .
2 ‘ You must be the one to tell me I am doing the right thing . ’
3 Earlier , at the start of the FACE photo shoot , the actor had confided , ‘ I 'm not sure I am doing the right thing . ’
4 I do n't know if I am doing the right thing , but I want to make her feel safe .
5 ‘ Well , yes , I must admit , ’ replies management , ‘ that I am making a good thing out of this , the best break we have had for years — you see , my methods of production are so cheap and efficient . ’
6 An immediate halt to the Government 's Hospital Trust , sorry I 'm reading the same thing again .
7 And that , it 's a pity about that but I 'm leaving the damn thing
8 Just just er just so I can be absolutely sure about that I think I 'm say I 'm asking the same thing that the senior inspector 's just asked .
9 I ca n't say I 'm doing a Page-type thing in the studio , but he was someone who was able to make very soulful records , and that was something that generated excitement in me at the time .
10 I 'm doing no such thing .
11 I 'm doing no such thing ! ’
12 I 'm doing the right thing , thought Lee .
13 Also make sure I 'm doing the right thing as well .
14 I was watching it at the movies , I was watching the whole thing at the cinema .
15 He himself would put the fear of God into the professors of Königsberg and Breslau ; I was to do the same thing in Danzig .
16 I was thinking the same thing , ’ David said calmly .
17 But I was asked the same thing after Duncton Wood came out , I said I 'd never do another and I 've written five more .
18 After thinking about it , Cameron replied , ‘ James , I was told a good thing once , by the sawyer at Bunarkaig .
19 I was doing no such thing ! ’ she lied hotly .
20 I was doing no such thing , ’ she protested .
21 ‘ When I arrived at the river I was n't at all sure I was doing the right thing because the water temperature was 4.1 degrees Centigrade and the air temperature was 1.8 degrees , ’ said Les .
22 When they left , however , and I made the decision to stay , I knew it might be hard for me but I knew also that I was doing the right thing .
23 If God would provide accommodation for my family while I was away , preferably with friends , and convince my parents that I was doing the right thing , then I would know that the trip was on .
24 I wanted to be sure that I was doing the right thing and would n't regret it .
25 Not at all sure that I was doing the right thing , I fumbled towards the nearest dish for a finger-load of food , and turned to Sadria .
26 I was n't at all sure I was doing the right thing but I got up and started towards him as he finally got the clip to slide into the gun and snick home .
27 I had found myself staggering from one situation to the next … we decided then that I was doing the same thing wrong you see , and so we looked at the actual practice …
28 Mm , see this is a very difficult one to understand , it takes a lot of er working out , you see then he 's also applied , approached the city you see which is called the same thing is n't it ?
29 In this way share prices are determined not by reference to estimations of fundamental value , but by a series of guesses about the behaviour of other market participants ; they result from ‘ [ s ] peculations on the speculations of other speculators who are doing the same thing ’ .
30 Here 's an end to worrying about totting up the calories in food and wondering whether you are eating the right thing .
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