Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] put [pers pn] in the " in BNC.

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1 I thought we 'd got those books , I 've put them in the cupboard have n't I ?
2 Oh I 've put them in the drawer , top drawer , the er kitchen drawer
3 And I 've put it in the middle of the wall .
4 I 've put it I think I 've put it in the dishwasher
5 I 've put it in the paper this week again .
6 I 've put it in the fridge .
7 it 's same with a Samsung , I end up sometimes putting it in the Toshiba one , to re-wind it back , but I 've had some funny tapes I have just lately , it 's the tape that wo n't re-wind , because how I 've noticed been the tape like , cos I 've put it in the Toshiba and re-wound , but it would n't even re-wind in the Toshiba , so Arthur says well he says that 's the tapes
8 I have put her in the parlour ; she insisted on waiting until you returned . ’
9 Somebody had put it in the drawer .
10 The Party chairman had rung the area agent in Birmingham , who had put him in the picture .
11 I suppose she 's put it in the other room .
12 We 've put him in the side ward , just as a precaution . ’
13 I wager they 've put him in the meanest , coldest room , without even a brazier , after the way he spoke to Matilda .
14 They 've put it in the sun whatever it is .
15 The Board said that they deserved their percentage because they had put me in the position to attract the money .
16 It has put us in the position of villains , whereas the Secretary of State is the villain because he will not pay .
17 He had put him in the Cabinet because , with Bonar Law gone , he needed a man from the Law stable to preserve the balance .
18 A drawback is that it 's put them in the frame for some pretty clueless advances from non-comprehending journalists eager to get to the bottom of this modernist lark .
19 In other words it 's not part of its standard employment allocation but it 's put it in the local plan so that people know , the locals know , that that field over there those fields over there erm are not guaranteed for ever as countryside but on the other hand they 're jolly well not gon na be released unless it 's for something extremely special for which there would be a statement carried through from the structure plan , elaborated on no doubt at local level , which set the rules .
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