Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] himself [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The appellant , who described himself as a self-employed accountant , falsely claimed to be an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and a graduate or member of the Institute of Marketing .
2 Shocking as the assault had been , it had prepared her for another encounter — an encounter with a youth of her own age , bewildered and uneasy , one called to high estate who found himself of a sudden alone on the edge of an abyss …
3 In terms of laws governing dress , the nude bather on a public beach , the ‘ streaker ’ at a sporting event and the ‘ flasher ’ who exposes himself to an unsuspecting individual are subject to official punishments of varying severity .
4 No real thought seems to have been bestowed on the important principle involved either by Day J. , who … appears to found his decision simply on the above dictum of Pollock C.B. , which happens to mention corruption , as one of the inapposite illustrations of an unsound proposition , or by Lawrance J. , who contents himself with a bare expression of concurrence .
5 The death at the weekend of Siho Iyiguven , who threw himself on a burning mattress at Harmondsworth detention centre , near Heathrow , was followed yesterday with further suicide threats by detainees who barricaded themselves into their dormitory .
6 He has no morality , no God , no code of chivalry except service to a French King who sees himself as the new Charlemagne .
7 Just as the race rekindled Classic hopes for Stoute , the flame was snuffed out for Newmarket trainer Mohammed Moubarak , who blamed himself for the dismal performance of 11–4 favourite Forest Tiger , who trailed in last after coming under pressure at half-way .
8 The custodian of this mood of growing calm was the new Prime Minister , James Callaghan , who imposed himself on the public consciousness as a new Baldwin , the apostle of peace in our time .
9 In a controversial aspect of the data collection , the subjects were allowed to think that the tape recorder had been switched off after the formal interviews , and were encouraged to talk informally by a young white member of the research team , who dissociated himself from the preceding interviews and " spent the duration of the recording sitting on the floor " ( Edwards 1986 : 74 ) .
10 Police are hunting a man who exposed himself to a young schoolgirl beneath the viaduct in North Road , Durham City on Thursday afternoon .
11 Or how about U.S. lock and Air Force captain Kevin Swords , who established himself as a world-class player and leader at the 1991 World Cup , but is still totally ignored in the U.S. outside the rugby community ?
12 My anger increased when the meeting Director , Len Smith ( who fancied himself as a pocket-sized version of our trenchant promotions officer Andy Norman ) , said to me , ‘ If you do n't run , you 'll never run again .
13 Kevin 's brother , who fancied himself as an amateur psychologist , said you did n't really forget things like that and it meant Lyn must unconsciously want not to wear it — ergo , not to be married .
14 William Hurt is the medic of the title , an eminent surgeon who finds himself on the other edge of the scalpel when he becomes seriously ill .
15 Someone , for example , who finds himself in the embarrassing situation of seeming to have winked at an unknown passer-by may offer the account that he has some grit in his eye — this often accompanied by a flurry of overacted eyelid-rubbing and nose-blowing .
16 Can any man who identifies himself with the British world of letters , however independent and tolerant he may be , write a fair-minded book about Pound ?
17 We should now be in a position to answer Herbert Schniedau 's question : ‘ Can any man who identifies himself with the British world of letters … write a fair-minded book about Pound ? ’
18 It was perhaps typical of du Cann , who saw himself as an archetypal operator , that he should try to do both simultaneously .
19 The man who associated himself with the Imperial ideas , and who remains for ever identified with them , was Baron Haussmann .
20 And Des Esseintes , the aristocrat recluse in Huysmans Against Nature , who dedicates himself to the diligent pursuit of ever more rarefied and unnatural means of stimulating the senses .
21 The boundaries may have been short , with netting to protect the club 's offices , but it was worthwhile practice for Smith , and a glimpse of warmer times ahead for a remarkable crowd ; there were about 100 well wrapped-up diehards , one of whom plonked himself in a red deckchair on the outfield , dangerously at midwicket .
22 He 's been lucky of course , in that respect , in that he has had something to occupy himself over the last few months as far as the Gulf war is concerned , and in that respect , of course , I think I do n't I think it would be very difficult to fault him .
23 It 's just that this other woman to whom he comes fresh enables him to see himself in a different , more exciting and rejuvenating light .
24 You feel him imagining himself as the last rock of culture and civilization being swept over by a wave of barbarism and Jews ( communism and commercialism ) , the saviour of more than the Constitution , the saviour of all that has been culture , the snob of the West .
25 She took the cup of tea-bag Indian and allowed him to settle himself at the large deal table covered with music scores .
26 He lowered himself into an old leather chair and continued chewing while he waited .
27 After a moment 's hesitation she sat in one of the large armchairs , half expecting to be pushed on to the settee , but he allowed her to sit alone , only raising an eyebrow as he lowered himself into the matching chair .
28 Beside a muddy pool in a shadow-dappled patch of jungle where faint feeding tracks had finally petered out , he lowered himself onto a fallen log .
29 He aligned himself with the traditional view that the Scriptures describe unseen things by the form of visible things so as to stimulate reason in cognitive understanding , itself a spiritual reality which is an image of full contemplative knowledge .
30 He aligned himself with the Social Christian Party for the 1990 elections , saying that Nicaragua should be free from the influence of the superpowers .
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