Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] to [art] present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Women have long been politically active ; it is not something confined to the present wave of feminism .
2 The rational way to employ such conflicting prudential principles would not be to deduce from more general principles which of them applies to the present case .
3 The material facts of that case , in so far as they relate to the present appeal , were that on the application of the Crown Prosecution Service , McCullough J. made a restraint order pursuant to section 77 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 in respect of the assets held by the applicants , a husband and wife .
4 I have nothing to add to the present state of knowledge on plans for Portland and I have no knowledge that the EH101 utility variant is to be used in the air-sea rescue role , at least in the predictable future .
5 Lord Fraser ( at p813 ) stated : The Crown contended that the definition in s454(3) ( now TA 1988 ss681(4) ) applied to all transactions that did not have a bona fide commercial reason , and that it applied to the present transaction , the sole reason for which was to avoid tax .
6 Instead he kept to the present subject .
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