Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pos pn] eyes [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Embarrassed , I dropped my eyes to the hymnsheet in front of me .
2 I opened my eyes to the sun riding high over Fair Hill .
3 I opened my eyes to the sound of yet more crashing of dustbin lids , gales of laughter and the occasional scream coming from behind the bushes .
4 And with an involuntary movement I raised my eyes to the sky — where God was — beseeching Him , wanting Him to see my fear and my contrition .
5 I returned my eyes to the axe .
6 I saw his eyes through the eye-holes of his wedding suit .
7 But I keep my eyes to the front .
8 An all-nighter was a triumph of will and my eyelids were already dropping , but I kept my eyes on the thin figure .
9 I kept my eyes on the dressing as Mrs Scutt produced photos .
10 I kept my eyes on the screen .
11 I kept my eyes on the screen .
12 Since 1979 we have just begun to have confidence in ourselves to raise our eyes to the horizon again .
13 I shut my eyes for the second one , ’ joked MacDonald .
14 I follow his eyes from the bar to the jukebox , to the bearded one , to two like-faced girls with stocky builds and bleached blonde hair .
15 A big , flat coal barge was passing under the bridge and I averted my eyes from the sight of it .
16 I slid my eyes over the gent she had accessorising her .
17 I closed my eyes for the rest of the journey as it had been a busy two days and I did n't feel lik& going to the council offices either , It would be too late anyway so I decided to take a stroll by the river and see how Nigel was getting on with the excavations .
18 I closed my eyes against the sun and against the confusion of my thoughts .
19 It was Strongheart 's manifest mental activity which opened his eyes to the mental process present in all living creatures .
20 Daughter of the Queen Igrayne and half-sister to King Arthur , she revealed to him the intrigue between Lancelot and Guinevere by giving him a magic draught which opened his eyes to the perfidy .
21 The longer wavelengths reflected by , for example , the leaves of trees in autumn , appear to us as reds and oranges , while the shorter wavelengths which reach our eyes from the ocean we see as greens and blues .
22 ‘ Howard love , all I get the tiniest bit cynical about is the way everyone closes his eyes to the truth .
23 She met his eyes in the mirror and summoned up a weak , unconvincing smile .
24 She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand , knowing in her heart that it was an excuse to curtail the physical contact with him .
25 She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand .
26 She wiped her eyes with the back of a grubby forefinger and added more practically , ‘ You do n't have to worry about them , I 'm sure .
27 She strained her eyes into the broken circle of darkness , and a breath of ancient tension and fear seemed to issue chillingly from the hole the river had torn in history .
28 It was still early , as she could tell from the light filtering through her curtains , and she narrowed her eyes at the sight of a cross Dana , who was obviously prepared to shake her again .
29 She shot a look at Alain , but looked away very speedily when she found his eyes on the sudden curve of her lips .
30 She fixed her eyes on the street in an attempt to calm herself .
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