Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] to bed " in BNC.

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1 It was 1.30 that Sunday night , I 'd just gone to bed feeling rather worn out after a busy week and sociable weekend .
2 I 'd forgone breakfast because I had n't got to bed till four in the morning , lunch because I had a hangover and anyway I was late for the train , and due to the fact that it was — according to British Rail at any rate — still part of the extended Festive Period , there had been no buffet trolley on the train .
3 Even though she had n't got to bed till the small hours , and had been feeling totally exhausted , she 'd been tossing and turning for what seemed like hours , utterly unable to sleep .
4 And I listen at the wall for sounds from Jancey , but it 's as quiet as a pillow , and she 's obviously gone to bed .
5 One of the problems that we 've suffered from in the past was some level of inconsistency which we 've now put to bed .
6 They 'd all gone to bed the night before when I 'd returned from a last noggin with Harry .
7 Not in front of the children but later , when they had all gone to bed and to sleep .
8 He had not retired to bed sober , but then he rarely , if ever , did .
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