Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [art] third [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I came to the third class , the head introduced me as the ‘ expert from London ’ .
2 I turned to the third passenger .
3 The house move necessitated my moving school , to Brackenbury in Hammersmith where I began in the third year .
4 I heard from a third party that Billy Bingham had left me out because of indiscipline , but there was nothing said at the time and he has not spoken to me since . ’
5 Up and up I go to the third floor .
6 I went to a third doctor and said , ‘ I 've got a parasite , probably a botfly larva , whose life-cycle is … ’ and the doctor said : ‘ Botfly ?
7 I take as the third period that which follows upon the death or incapacity of the parents .
8 I could n't miss this , Watson , so I jumped into a third taxi .
9 Two of them came in the third round .
10 Margolis , in a similar study , found that there was an initial build-up of citations which occurred until the third year after publication .
11 In addition , there are seminars on various research issues , and a research workshop which meets in the third term .
12 But in truth their tour , the English section of which ends with the third Test at Wigan today , has been persistently downbeat .
13 The strongest card Britain has in dealing with the Third World is not that it is a burnt-out empire , but that it is a peaceful union of diverse nations , regions and cultures , some of which share with the Third World a common historical experience , and so can speak to them in a manner in which London , or the prosperous south-east corner of England , never can .
14 In opposition to this , Mr. Whitaker , on behalf of the third defendant , pointed out that this is not a case where the third defendant is himself asserting against the third party a cause of action in contract or tort .
15 At 31 , he already suffers from arthritis in the mis-shapen left arm that is the legacy of his first National ride , which ended at the third fence .
16 At first she 'd given no thought to missing for a month , putting it down to the trauma of losing Pa , but by the time nothing showed for the third month running there could be no doubt that the worst had happened .
17 According to Moschion , who lived about the third century BC but wrote in the spirit of a century or two earlier , it was due to Time — ‘ the begetter and nurturer of all things ’ — that ‘ The earth , once barren , began to be ploughed by yoked oxen , towered cities arose , men built sheltering homes and turned their lives from savage ways to civilized . ’
18 But Manetho , who lived in the third century BC , wrote in Greek and his work must be regarded as Hellenistic in character rather than Egyptian .
19 Then the grocer who lived in the third house shot himself . ’
20 The second letter is difficult to place since Leapor is responding to a gentleman whose comments on her work are relayed by someone else , or to whom she refers in the third person for reasons of politeness .
21 She stopped on the third step , and looked back at Pete .
22 Yes , Mar Mark wanted you to look at the third line of the third verse where there is a reference to no eyes and wondered whether you have any ideas about that .
23 You know for the third project , of provisional childcare , what about ?
24 Also , if you know of a third party who is about to pay your debtor you can similarly arrest that money .
25 You 'll go wild , like you did in the third year with Sharon Latimer .
26 so just one Central South team in the cup now … and that 's Gloucester who come into the third round … for a tough old game on Tyneside … that 's in three weeks time
27 Marianne is 33 and she married for the third time two years ago .
28 Lowe was twelve when she married for the third time — to a psychologist — and he arrived , all corn-fed and terminally uncool , in Malibu .
29 In McCrone v IRC ( 1967 ) 44 TC 142 , Lord Guthrie at 149E stated : " I incline to the view that a payment made " indirectly " " is , for example , one made to a third party for transmission to the settlor . "
30 Richard said : ‘ The fierce weather we encountered on the third leg has tested us to our very limits .
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