Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] months " in BNC.

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1 Enterprise Computer Holdings Plc said on Tuesday that when its accounts for the 15 months to end-March 1992 , were signed last year , the group 's accountants , KPMG Peat Marwick , had not signed the audit report of its principal subsidiary , Enterprise Computer Services , the Daily Telegraph reports : the subsidiary 's accounts for that period are now in the process of being filed and will be qualified by KPMG Peat Marwick on a going concern basis ; Louis Kemp , new finance director , wants to know how it happened .
2 They were tipped as a recovery stock after investors had lost much of their money in a few months .
3 An article based on interviews with Betty Sinclair shortly before her death in 1981 discussed her attitudes during the early months of NICRA :
4 The award , worth £20,000 , is given to ‘ a British artist under fifty for an outstanding exhibition or other presentation of their work in the twelve months preceding June 1992 ’ and was granted by a jury consisting of Nicholas Serota , director of the Tate Gallery , Marie-Claude-Beaud , director of the Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain , Robert Hopper , director of the Henry Moore Sculpture Trust , Sarah Kent , art critic of Time Out magazine and Howard Karshan , representative of the patrons of New Art .
5 Emperors are winter breeders , gathering on inshore sea ice to lay their single eggs in May and June , incubating and brooding chicks on their feet through the coldest months in temperatures that may drop below -50°C .
6 The 3 threatened hamlets will be stepping up their campaign in the coming months to convince the County Council that a rural haven must not be lost forever .
7 The Science Museum claims to have lost about 60% of its visitors in the 12 months after introducing a £3.50 fee for adults in October 1988 ( though the fall is based on a dodgy head-count , before entrance tickets provided the first precise numbers ) .
8 In this way the youngsters make it clear that they are not yet mature enough to be considered rivals for territories or breeding partners and are allowed to feed on the reef beside their parents for the several months that it takes them to grow to maturity .
9 It was a great blow to them , but Elizabeth was by now in her mid-thirties and there had been no hint of a pregnancy since her miscarriage in the early months of marriage .
10 If employees leave their organisations within a few months of relocation , the heavy financial investment in them will be wasted .
11 Unisys is expected to make its move in the coming months .
12 This design has been commissioned from award-winning designer Sheila Moxley , and you can be sure that no fashion victim will be seen without one of these on their back in the coming months .
13 Even those who were royal servants , like Archbishop Reynolds himself , by their efforts in the preceding months and years to reconcile king and barons had demonstrated their concern with the peace of the community , which may explain also why they thought it prudent to prefer the Despensers — able royal servants that they were — to the unpredictable and scarcely less disruptive earl of Lancaster .
14 BAT Industries ( tobacco and financial services ) has restated life assurance profits on the accruals method in its report for the nine months ended 30 September 1992 .
15 On April 27th Euro Disney , which runs a big amusement park outside Paris modeled on American ones owned by its parent firm , Walt Disney , announced its results for the six months to the end of March 1993 .
16 Moreover , the committee , to be commended for having conducted its extensive researches and drawn its conclusions within a few months , has the advantage of immediacy over the Clark and Palmer committees , which sat over so long a period , in a rapidly changing environment , that eventually no one who was still able to recall the original brief was sure whether it was still relevant to the prevailing situation .
17 It remained his seat for a few months short of thirty years .
18 The result of his labours during the five months he had been there is a collection consisting of 500 Birds ; 100 Skeletons , 60 nests , the eggs of alike [ sic ] No. of species , and 3 nine gallon Kegs of specimens in spirits …
19 These doubts about his work were directly related to his predicament in the last months of 1939 .
20 Rhee intensified his pressure in the early months of 1947 and became more outspoken in criticising the military government .
21 His engagements in the early months of 1942 were equally arduous .
22 For various reasons several of our most active members will be unable to give their valuable support to your committee over the coming months .
23 We focus our attention on the three months following the eruption , when the SO 2 -induced perturbations are expected to be the most significant .
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