Example sentences of "[art] far [adj -er] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even the far faster growth of money wages outside the USA in the years up to 1970 left capital in Europe and Japan with a huge advantage in terms of labour costs ( table 10.5 ) .
2 As can be seen from the explanation of the practicalities of the Optional Procedure , it does require a far higher standard of preparation before proceedings are raised .
3 Even in the urban core where there has been massive population loss associated with slum clearance , there were almost as many dwellings in 1981 as there had been in 1961 and , as Table 3.4 shows , the area now has a far higher standard of amenity .
4 People that had once been poor , often virtually on the breadline , were now much more elegantly dressed and had achieved a far higher standard of living .
5 Thus , when his secretary of the treasury ventured on one occasion to suggest that colonial rule was more efficient than the successor regimes in the newly independent states , the president brusquely retorted that it was his " personal conviction that almost any one of the newborn states of the world would far rather embrace Communism or any other form of dictatorship than accept the political domination of another government even though that brought to each citizen a far higher standard of living " .
6 It is generally agreed that retail investors need a far higher level of supervision because of their lack of knowledge and because of the severe consequences of loss .
7 With computer analysis it can also reach a far higher level of sophistication than can be achieved by hand methods .
8 In addition , Britain 's total housing stock has increased by 2 million units in the past 12 years — a far higher rate of increase than that of the population as a whole .
9 Is he also aware that bloodstock is subject to a far higher rate of VAT than in this country in France or in Ireland ?
10 It seems to be generally agreed that young mothers run a far higher risk of isolation and loneliness than their Victorian counterparts .
11 common , law offence has proved to be a far better stop upon pornography than the 1959 Act .
12 This gives them a far better chance of survival .
13 Does the Minister consider it fair that , if a child is born in East Anglia , it has a far better chance of survival than if it is born in Yorkshire or in my region , where we recently lost five intensive care cots ?
14 Provided we take enough water with us there 's no reason why we should n't be able to hold out for a considerable time in the banqueting hall , which is in a far better situation for defence … and let me remind you that with every passing day , relief comes nearer … perhaps as much as twenty miles nearer with every day 's march …
15 What use were services that recalled the Crucifixion when there was Timothy Gedge wandering about the place , a far better reminder of waste and destruction ?
16 But the principal argument he produced in favour of ruling indirectly was not that Indirect Rule provided the perfect instrument of intelligent conservation , but that it created the possibility of exercising over the native a far greater degree of control than could be achieved if he were ruled directly .
17 They must comply with a far greater degree of control ( and restrictions ) .
18 Thereafter Edward III , having learned some valuable political lessons , was able to develop a far greater degree of co-operation with his people , in particular with the fighting nobility , a spirit fostered by the two outstanding victories won at Crécy and Poitiers .
19 Early this year they announced that they had found the 17 keV neutrino again , with a far greater degree of sensitivity than any previous experiment .
20 The new frontiers opened up by the development of the sciences through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have taken them far beyond the model of the machine and revealed a far greater degree of randomness and unpredictability in the fundamental structure of the universe .
21 I guarantee that if one were to sit down , go back to basics , and argue through the parameters as suggested exclusively by the score , and not from one 's aural knowledge of the record catalogue ( and that hoary old chestnut , a ‘ classic ’ version ) , one would encounter a far greater consensus of opinion than would appear initially to be the case .
22 The elastic ligament allows a far greater range of vocalization , including roaring and coughing .
23 But animals , to varying degrees , employ all the senses available to human beings , with perhaps a few extra ones , and often with a far greater range of sensitivity .
24 Heard here , Milt Jackson 's vibes sound is significantly different from , say , Lionel Hampton 's more pianistic or percussive approach , with a greater lyrical content and a far greater variety of attack and articulation than Hampton 's more ‘ accompanist ’ technique .
25 By the late Saxon period , most settlements occur on the heavier soils ; indeed by that date settlement is found on a far greater variety of soil types .
26 There is therefore , a far greater responsibility for originality placed upon them , as they will in future have to be leaders rather than followers .
27 Now that he 'd met Cora-Beth , he was in no doubt that Harry stood a far greater chance of happiness with her .
28 With free trade and payments in the early fifties , the United States would have tended to secure a far greater share of world trade .
29 Whereas in this much higher ratio ( 1:50,000 ) , between diluent and medicinal substance , a large number of succussions of the vial filled two-thirds with wine spirit can bring about a far greater development of power . ’
30 This allows for a far greater sophistication of analysis because it recognises that the state and the policies it pursues may well be a result of internal conflicts within the state or due to conflicts between fractions of the capitalist class or from struggle by classes opposed to capitalism .
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