Example sentences of "[art] more [adj] type of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The more serious type of pollution , which is the silage liquor or farm slurry , that has such a immediately , it dies straightaway .
2 ( 'Prime' does not simply mean ‘ expensive ’ — it refers to the more desirable types of property within each group , whether quaint country cottages , Georgian rectories or large estates . )
3 It is easy to see why it is the more unusual types of artefact that are used for this type of research .
4 These types of problem extend even to the more commonplace types of metalwork in which the lack of replication might lead to the suggestion that everyday items were produced locally as required ; but were such technical skills possessed by someone on every farm or hamlet , at only a few locations , or was the craftsman a mobile specialist ?
5 It was therefore decided that an interview would be the best way of exploring the issues and would be particularly useful for the more qualitative type of issue .
6 In this chapter we shall examine only some of the more important types of stratification structure .
7 The outcome is that adjectives expressing the more basic types of property can generally be expected to appear prenominally but not postnominally .
8 The requirements for military or test pilots place less emphasis on the number of flying hours required and this is compensated for by the more stringent type of flying they have been involved in ( though it is true that a large proportion of airline pilots learned to fly and served in military aviation before becoming civil pilots ) .
9 The glance she threw Thiercelin carried the strong implication that she preferred the more mature type of man .
10 But we must distinguish between a type of interaction which is precisely regulated by the syntactic structure of the sentence , and a more diffuse type of interaction , not dependent on syntax , but merely on discourse propinquity .
11 The notion of centrifugal launchers was based on the idea that rather than using a long , straight runway , the aircraft could take-off following a circular path around a tower , or possibly a more mobile type of launcher , rather in the manner of ‘ round-the-pole ’ model aircraft .
12 It was a more advanced type of prayer called ‘ the reformation of feeling ’ , which , in Hilton 's view , was only for monks and nuns .
13 This is for a more radical type of authority to pursue .
14 Fly fishing is a more specific type of fishing .
15 Perhaps there is a need for a more glaciological type of geomorphology and a more geomorphological type of glaciology .
16 Even as Beaton spoke one director was doing his best to harness the new realism to a more rewarding type of movie .
17 A more complicated type of leaf , such as in an ivy design ( fig.3 ) , can be prepared by assembling the parts in stages .
18 In all these societies there are contradictory movements , either to limit or to expand the social services ; movements which take place in what are still substantially free market economies , but raise the question whether there can be any further development of the welfare state without restricting still more the operation of the market and eventually creating a more socialist type of economy in which public ownership of some major productive resources and financial institutions , and more extensive planning , would have a larger role .
19 Ebenezer Howard 's ‘ garden city ’ movement was one man 's attempt to express the desire for a more suburban type of existence , although this was only ever fully developed in Welwyn Garden City and Letchworth .
20 Perhaps there is a need for a more glaciological type of geomorphology and a more geomorphological type of glaciology .
21 erm certainly numerically controlled machine tools , they 've been with us for a number of years now and there 's no doubt about it that micro-electronics is having an influence , or advances in micro-electronics are having a way in which they are implemented , but I feel applications of that type it requires quite a large amount of flexibility in being able to program it to set up one machine , program it differently to set up another machine , say , or to produce one component and another component and so on , so that I think there one is thinking and looking at a more sophisticated type of computer than , say , a simple microcomputer that we 've been talking about earlier .
22 Although Braque had been responsible for taking the first steps towards a more abstract type of painting , his own use of the new procedure was much more cautious than Picasso 's .
23 Experience over the last ten years ( 1963–73 ) has convinced the staff of this Polytechnic of the need for a more flexible type of course than is commonly offered to students .
24 Orphism appealed particularly to the Germans , since like so much of their own painting it was brightly coloured and was simultaneously a more theoretical and a more popular type of art than Cubism .
25 Each planner is individually responsible for putting forward suggestions of suitable issues ; in some instances these can be the result of maverick ideas , and in others they are achieved through a more down-to-earth type of thought .
26 but a more intricate type of operation , where you 've got to be in for a day , they 're not
27 In those societies where the third estate was initially weak — and during its subsequent development in the nineteenth century became more clearly divided into distinct classes — the bourgeoisie , already threatened by the labour movement , embraced a more conservative type of nationalism , and the creation of a modern nation state based upon the capitalist mode of production was accomplished in a more authoritarian fashion by what has been called a ‘ revolution from above ’ ( Moore , 1967 ) .
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