Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] at least [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One must be conscious of the pressures under which local authority social workers operate , particularly in boroughs such as that with which this case is concerned , but nonetheless one might have hoped that the letter would have received at least some acknowledgement .
2 Income seems more closely related to whether or not people have ever used any form of credit than any other characteristic : the higher someone 's income ( at least up to a certain level ) , the more likely they are to have used at least some sort of credit sometime .
3 you 've done at least some work in the last two weeks ' maths lessons .
4 And people stressing a cost factor as important were relatively likely to say they had had at least some choice between different credit arrangements , whereas people stressing convenience were relatively likely to say there had been only one possibility ( though differences were small ) .
5 Space has allowed me to use only a fraction of the wealth of material provided ; I only hope I have not made too many mistakes or significant omissions and have done at least some justice to all .
6 The warehouse has been empty for many years , but holding repairs have meant at least that water penetration to the fabric is reduced .
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