Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [pron] support [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sony Corp has withdrawn its support of a joint venture desk-top publishing business company , Newscaster , which it formed with printing and publishing company Koei Group in 1988 .
2 Or the power person may be a power broker who has arranged his support before the meeting and knows that he can call on it if his authority is challenged .
3 The pub trade has given its support to a campaign to stop people drinking too much .
4 The naturalist Sir David Attenborough has lent his support to a campaign to raise over a million pounds to help one of the biggest collections of musical instruments in the world .
5 The Prime Minister has shown his support for the Heritage Minister , David Mellor , in spite of recent reports about his private life .
6 COMEDIAN Griff Rhys-Jones has pledged his support for a £200,000 appeal to improve a new nature reserve on the banks of the Stour estuary .
7 LABOUR candidate Paddy Cosgrove has pledged his support for a fight against opencast mining at Holywell on the edge of the constituency .
8 But although the Criminal Law Revision Committee has declared its support for the present age of consent , its proposals concerning the mental element in sections 5 and 6 can serve only to undermine it .
9 Yesterday 's board meeting issued a statement which said : ‘ The board of MGN has reaffirmed its support for the business policies , previously adopted unanimously by the board , for the future of the group . ’
10 AMATEUR golf in Scotland received a boost yesterday when it was announced that Martell Cognac , sponsor of the Scottish Club Championship for the past three years , has extended its support of the event until 1995 .
11 Syria , having given its support to the United States-led anti-Iraq coalition in the Gulf crisis , was currently enjoying the consequent improvement in its image in the West , and it was noticeable that there was hardly any international condemnation of its action in Lebanon .
12 Having pledged its support for the environment and the poor , there is mounting pressure for it to institutionalize some safeguards .
13 He is said to have affirmed his support for the new fourth clause of the coronation oath at this time .
14 On Oct. 3 a statement issued in Abu Dhabi , one of the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) , by the majority shareholders of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International ( BCCI ) , which had been closed down on July 5 , 1991 , amid allegations of massive corruption and fraud [ see p. 38355 ] , announced that they had withdrawn their support for an attempted rescue of the bank .
15 On Aug. 12 it was reported that the air and naval high commands had withdrawn their support for the President , dissociating themselves from the incidents of Aug. 10 .
16 As the debate progressed it became clear not merely that the country 's four opposition parties were prepared to co-operate to defeat the proposal , but that several senior figures within the ruling party — including Shin Kanemaru , leader of the largest LDP faction — had withdrawn their support from the bill .
17 On May 17 , local leaders meeting with SNM representatives at the town of Burao in the north-east had given their support to the secession ; according to Le Monde of May 16 and 21 , SNM leaders favoured a federalist solution but had bowed to this grasssroots opinion .
18 Visiting the Upper Nile state on Feb. 21 he again referred to the exclusion of the southern states from sharia law and said that citizens had shown their support for the " new political system and transference of powers to the people " .
19 Reports on July 30 said that France had indicated its support for a partial easing of sanctions against Iraq after the UN sanctions committee failed on July 24 unanimously to agree to an Iraqi request to sell oil worth US$2,400 million to buy food and medicines .
20 Little Rock had forced the Eisenhower administration to act and in the same year , 1957 , the President had put his support behind the first Civil Rights Act passed for over 80 years .
21 William " Stanley " Usher , who had been elected in September 1989 as an opposition UDP representative , was expelled from the party on Dec. 13 , 1989 , and joined the ruling PUP ; he had signalled his support for the PUP immediately after the general election .
22 The Shekhawat ministry won a vote of confidence in the assembly in November 1990 , necessitated by the withdrawal of support by the Janata Dal after the BJP had ended its support for the V. P. Singh government [ see p. 37854 ] .
23 In the case of Foresterhill , all the main clinical departments have given their support to the proposal — a proposal that has been drawn up by a multidisciplinary team .
24 The names listed below have given their support in the period between press date and publication of the last issue , and their contributions are included in the sum mentioned above .
25 Unix System Labs , Santa Cruz Operation Inc and SunSoft will each integrate Wabi into their respective Unix offerings , whilst Toshiba Corp , Fujitsu Ltd , Network Computing Devices Inc , Tadpole Technology plc and Quarterdeck Office Systems have lent their support to the effort .
26 Unix System Laboratories Inc , Santa Cruz Operation Inc and SunSoft will each integrate Wabi into their respective Unix offerings , while Toshiba Corp , Fujitsu Ltd , Network Computing Devices Inc , Tadpole Technology Plc and Quarterdeck Office Systems Inc have lent their support to the effort .
27 The Brazilian government , wildlife trade watchdog agencies and breeders have offered their support to a breeding programme now in operation at Sao Paulo Zoo .
28 Stirling students have shown their support for an efficient and independent Association , accessible and relevant to all members .
29 He has been telling them that both the Soviet Union and the United States have reiterated their support for the league 's plan and that political reform is the only way for the Lebanese to solve their crisis .
30 Sir , — I would like to make known my support for the devolution of Scotland .
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