Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] at [art] beginning [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The former are due to be heard together at the beginning of December , a hearing at which the Bar Council will again be represented , and it is clearly too early to predict a result or to consider the implications in detail .
2 The first English cookery book recipes for tomatoes appear only at the beginning of the nineteenth century .
3 Both Palm Springs , California , and West Palm Beach , Florida , boasted magnificent Spanish stations , built respectively at the beginning of the century and the 1920s .
4 Shares rose sharply at the beginning of the year in anticipation of an economic rebound , but the recovery has so far been very sluggish .
5 Wellcome 's share price rose sharply at the beginning of the year after the announcement that a combination of two of its drugs , Retrovir ( zidovudine or AZT ) and Zovirax ( acyclovir ) , halved the number of deaths amongst Aids patients compared to zidovudine alone .
6 Patients were reviewed every two months and the duodenum inspected endoscopically at the beginning of the trial , at approximately 4 , 8 , and 12 months , and if the patient developed recurrent dyspepsia that persisted after three days of simple antacid treatment ( Maalox , maximum 30 tablets per month ) .
7 Despite its limitations and difficulties , dowsing was one of the sources of inspiration for the Dragon Project , which I mentioned briefly at the beginning of the last chapter .
8 ‘ I came here at the beginning of the week thinking that this was my last tournament for the year , maybe forever , ’ Evert said .
9 The ante-natal clinic proper , beyond the red mouth and throat of reception , was , like the whole maternity wing , part of a military hospital added hastily at the beginning of the last war , in anticipation of hosts of wounded soldiers who had never come there .
10 ( Jockeys do not often look backwards at the beginning of a race . )
11 London 's latest ‘ five star ’ property is The Regent , which opened quietly at the beginning of the year under general manager Wolfgang Nitschke .
12 We at the Institute research into those disasters erm for which we currently have an expertise , as it were , but erm our group was founded actually at the beginning of erm the nineteen seventies and we have specialised quite a lot into looking at famine food erm emergencies and nutritional and medical engineering , sanitation aspects of famines , and lately we 've included in that erm quite of lot of , of work , research work into refugees , the cause of refugees , the prevention of refugees , the alleviation of suffering of refugees , particularly in developing countries .
13 However , a cautionary note had been sounded right at the beginning of the whole exercise :
14 But the fall began almost at the beginning of 1966 !
15 It was only at this stage that the dowry of the bride , which would usually have included both jewels and the title deeds to land , was actually handed over by the bride 's parents though details of the dowry would have been settled right at the beginning at Stage 1 of the proceedings .
16 In the 690s Aethelred granted land in Hwiccian territory to Oftfor , bishop of Worcester , seemingly without reference to any local prince ( CS 76 : S 76 ; CS 75 : S 77 ) ; Aethelbald was certainly doing so at the beginning of his reign in 716–7 ( CS 137 : S 102 ) .
17 This is largely because money allocated centrally at the beginning of the financial year does not usually reach the city itself until the autumn .
18 Not as much as I would like to be , however , as the night class I joined in September 1991 did not have enough support to run again at the beginning of this year .
19 In the last few years , however , it has emerged that the laws of science may hold even at the beginning of the universe .
20 In that case the laws of physics would hold even at the beginning of the universe , so God would not have had the freedom to choose the initial conditions .
21 Equity markets recoiled from these gloomy indicators by falling sharply at the beginning of the week , pausing only for the Chancellor 's speech at the Tory Party conference , but still failing to recover lost ground by the close .
22 Anne is glimpsed briefly at the beginning of the film in the role of Dega 's wife .
23 While it may seem intuitively obvious that lexical access should start right at the beginning of the utterance and soon after its onset , the four systems tried a number of different approaches .
24 Why do n't we start right at the beginning of the tape ?
25 All students are required to enrol initially at the beginning of their course of study at the University , and to re-enrol annually , at the beginning of each academic year .
26 Heparin ( 2000 IU ) was given intravenously at the beginning of the procedure .
27 As a rough guide the ‘ average ’ illness that will put a person in bed is likely to need a remedy between 3 and 8 times a day , needing more at the beginning of the illness than later on .
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