Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [conj] possible [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If we care about other people — and if we want so far as possible to affirm other people — we shall walk warily before dismissing out of hand , discourteously or clumsily , what is deeply meaningful to them .
2 The tunnel is designed as far as possible to stay within the chalk marl but the alignment is constrained by the geometric requirements of a high speed railway including a minimum horizontal curvature of 4,200m and a maximum gradient of just under 1% .
3 He saw himself as a buffoon with nasty reserves of observation , a man with goonish spectacles clamped round his ears and perfidy in his guts , and he felt so appalled by his mistrust of an old friend who must surely be taken for an ally that he tried as fast as possible to invent some headway on the project about Berlin .
4 In our first Report we tried as far as possible to avoid the word ‘ grammar ’ , and to explain how important it was for children to use linguistic terminology .
5 She herself was British , in fact , but having spent several years as a graduate student in California , where she had been converted to radical feminism , she now thought of herself as spiritually an American , and tried as far as possible to speak like one .
6 ‘ The measure as revised by the committee tried as hard as possible to accommodate the views of those who object to women priests .
7 The oppressive regime I had anticipated was not apparent and the whole complex seemed clean , active and designed as far as possible to provide reasonable conditions and amenities for its inmates .
8 In particular it wanted to ensure that British nuclear thinking , planning , targeting and developments as a whole evolved along lines which were compatible with and were harnessed as far as possible to fit in with its own requirements .
9 Government accepted responsibility for keeping aggregate monetary demand at a level sufficient to ensure full employment or what was considered as far as possible to constitute full employment ( an unemployment rate of 1% or 2% was considered acceptable ) , and the annual Budget was to be used as the main instrument of economic policy .
10 He also called on ANC president Nelson Mandela and Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi of Inkatha to meet as soon as possible to end political violence in the region .
11 He deliberately used both brush and pen as boldly as possible to soften the mechanical nature of the process .
12 Economic theory suggests that all forms of economic activity should be taxed as equivalently as possible to prevent distortions in the market .
13 But if phonemic competitors are included , some means of resolving the phonemes identity and filtering out improbable words must be applied as quickly as possible to stop the proliferation of word strings .
14 It is then wise to thresh as soon as possible to avoid loss to rats and mice .
15 And while the proportion of those people who would recommend a young couple with a steady job to buy as soon as possible has fallen from 78 per cent in 1989 , the latest survey shows 70 per cent would still offer this advice .
16 It is a bridge between Northern Ireland and the rest of the Community , and one which I hope business people will use as often as possible to help strengthen the Province 's economy .
17 The administration of these services is decentralised as far as possible to conform with these areas in more accessible mini-town halls .
18 I shall try as far as possible to discuss matters of principle rather than of particular detail .
19 Because entropy relates to the distribution of energy the principle was introduced that the most probable condition exists when energy in a river system is distributed as uniformly as possible according to the physical constraints .
20 Although the newspaper will not be available until May , please could members apply as soon as possible to help with gauging print quantities .
21 We try as far as possible to relate the work we do in the Technical Department to what goes on in industry and commerce .
22 As you do so , try as far as possible to keep to the basic sense of the passage .
23 In the three weeks since , Theda had tried as far as possible to keep her so .
24 The first meeting of the committee received a resolution from a conference held under the auspices of the society and the Canning Town branch of the guild which rejoiced in the wider powers given under the act , and urged the council to ‘ take steps to exercise any , or all of the powers given , and especially that steps be taken as soon as possible to establish a creche or day nursery in the southern part of the borough ’ ( Maternity and Child Welfare Committee Minutes 20 November 18 ) .
25 Unfortunately , his brave decision to keep the game flowing as often as possible resulted in too many players getting away with too much .
26 At a time when constitutional change and development at home and across the North Sea are much in the air , I am an unequivocal and enthusiastic backer of the idea that Scotland ought to seek as soon as possible to become a member state of the European Community .
27 She wished so far as possible to respect in her dominions the rights of the provincial estates , the greatest bastions of resistance to change .
28 In the pages that follow , I 'll be trying as frankly as possible to tell you something about myself — my childhood in Devon and Cornwall , my days as a newspaper reporter and those as a lance-corporal in the army ( not to mention the occasional hazardous romance in up-market Port Said ! ) and then , since 1961 , my career in television .
29 She will continue as long as possible playing doubles , saying : ‘ I 'll hang in there for as long as I can . ’
30 In the case of a severe burn , that is one that is larger than an inch in diameter , the rule is the same : cool first , cover later , and in this instance start to cool as quickly as possible to prevent the burn spreading into the surrounding tissue .
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