Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv prt] [art] little [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm I 'm winding you up a little bit but no I mean there 's a little method in this .
2 So it covers it up a little bit , but it looks like he 's gone bald .
3 But I was rewriting that to try to get the lines to work and all of those things , and they mess it up a little bit , which annoyed me .
4 could you firm it up a little bit with him you firm it up with I 'll talk to Scottish Homes
5 Put it down a little bit we have an asymmetrical .
6 On the A four two three at Hopcroft 's Holt , there are temporary traffic lights for resurfacing work and er that might slow you down a little bit .
7 Ann Smith , who was at junior school in Haltwhistle , Northumberland , remembers : ‘ I know I felt really sad but the thought of a Coronation cheered me up a little bit until I found out it would not be held until the following year .
8 Right I 'll just draw it up a little bit tighter , is that tighter for you ?
9 ‘ That slowed me up a little bit .
10 Well we 'll just have it up a little bit else you ca n't hear what they 're saying .
11 Well , if you put a , just hit it down a little bit , I got , probably wo n't get through , but if you hit it down a little bit to give it a bit of spin it might carry it through .
12 Well , if you put a , just hit it down a little bit , I got , probably wo n't get through , but if you hit it down a little bit to give it a bit of spin it might carry it through .
13 But like , he even said it , he said to me when I was drunk and I , and it pissed me off a little bit actually cos like , he goes to me you know like I I was saying about it and he goes erm well she was the one who wanted it all casual and everything , and I said oh yeah .
14 So in order to speed it up a little bit we might need need to heat it up .
15 You just lay it over a little bit more , it slides and it scrubs off that much more speed . ’
16 Well it put me off a little bit
17 You 'll have to have it up a little bit or the same thing 'll happen at
18 We 're going to have to heat it up a little bit .
19 I 'm just rubbing it out a little bit to give me a bit more space
20 I 'll just put it back a little bit there .
21 not been putting on any loud music recently I 've not had , I 'll stretch it out a little bit , but erm you know , we had a heater in here and er , record player and er ra er radio and that .
22 erm because that 's like a continuous thing erm with with some other stuff , if it 's just like essays or projects due in at the end of this term or beginning of next , you know get , get the light stuff out of the way first erm and try you may find it easier if you , if you , what I used to do was sort of try and , you know , pace it out a little bit and not try and write an essay all at once because I found that very difficult to do but if you just sort of write a paragraph and do , do something else for a bit and you know kind of write another paragraph a bit later on in the day and , and , you know , kind of erm you know work , you know do n't , do n't try and write an essay all in one evening but try and sort of , you know , if you 've managed to spread it out over the course of a few days so that you do n't have to do too much at once I mean it 's difficult to concentrate on one thing
23 Can I turn it down a little bit please James ?
24 Can I turn it down a little bit please ?
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