Example sentences of "[verb] [that] at the beginning of " in BNC.

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1 He says that at the beginning of the relationship he wrestled with himself , knowing that he should back off from Mandy .
2 To descend from these heights to the commonplace , we have already seen that at the beginning of his time as abbot of Bec , Anselm had a problem about the rights of the abbey of Bec .
3 About two million acres of waste have been enclosed by act since 1700 , so that we may reasonably assume that at the beginning of the eighteenth century there were about seven million acres of ‘ waste ’ all told rather than the ten million estimated by Gregory King .
4 Recall that at the beginning of this piece I briefly discussed what the representational theory of the mind has got right : that thoughts are not simple responses , reactions or reverberations to environmental stimulation — contrasting this with the case of the thermostat which automatically switches on and off at pre-set temperatures .
5 It should also be noted that at the beginning of an assignment , the composition of both vendor and purchaser must be known to be able to consider taking advantage of this exclusion .
6 To illustrate , suppose that at the beginning of the year a UK investor exchanges sterling for dollars to invest in US securities .
7 Okay you 're absolutely right er we did play that at the beginning of the programme we had a little trouble with our C D what happened there Stuart it went off the air did n't it ?
8 Yet/in any event we have a firm idea about the most effective path and unreservedly recommend that at the beginning of the project one looks at the list of telephone numbers and addresses on the last page of this brochure .
9 said that at the beginning of the year , I do n't know what way they predict this or whatever way they it goes you know
10 Er Foster and Allen are here and when I said that at the beginning of the programme it started a flurry of phone calls as to where they were .
11 A typical example is his remarks at the Cabinet meeting which approved the employment White Paper , when he suggested that at the beginning of a slump the Cabinet should declare a ‘ Salute the stomach ’ week along the lines of the wartime ‘ Salute the soldier ’ weeks , but with the emphasis on spending rather than saving .
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