Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] like [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He added : ‘ I was in a place once when a man fired a gun at me and I did not like it at all .
2 They turned him down on ‘ security grounds ’ ; a lot of the Surinamese living in Holland make it plain that they do not like him at all .
3 ‘ No , to tell you the truth , I did n't like her at all .
4 I did n't like him at all and we did n't get on .
5 it did n't like them at first , because she felt that they were very rough and uncouth .
6 ‘ David did n't like them at all and promised her a clothing allowance , ’ said her friend .
7 A great deal of the audience did n't like them at all .
8 He did n't like me at first .
9 I was very when he said he did n't like it for sure ,
10 She did n't like it at all .
11 But I did n't like it at all .
12 I did n't like it at all .
13 She found she did n't like that idea , did n't like it at all .
14 They did n't like it at all .
15 They did n't like it at all .
16 Noisy and clumsy , she did n't like it at all .
17 on this anyway I , I finally , I did n't like it at all , but now I 'd done , I have me feather back I 'm alright I was like deaf when I got up every morning .
18 from Pilkingtons and there 's little , she said you would n't notice it but there 's little like , little things on and when he did the grouting yesterday she said that she said it was awful , she did n't like it at all so she told him this morning
19 It did n't like it at first , and moved and beat against the sides of the plastic and the neck of the can while I held it and sweated , listening to the hum of the insects and the rustling of the grass , staring at Blyth as he lay there still and silent , his dark hair ruffled now and again by the breeze .
20 You we you did n't like it at first ?
21 I did n't like it at first cos all the animation was all too fuzzy and wobbly and everything I can remember cos I did n't think it was as good as the Magic Roundabout but then yeah I love it now .
22 You did you did n't like us at all .
23 I do n't like her at all .
24 I do n't like him at all , and if he was going to be the next Frank Lloyd Wright , I could n't care less , and it would n't change my opinion of him as a man , which is that he 's — ’
25 I do n't like him at all .
26 And suppose suppose that you 've been dancing with somebody and you really do n't like them at all .
27 I du n no erm , no I do n't like them at all it 's in fact I 'm not even impressed with it I mean you look at the people with G six hundred and you look at the fifty six
28 I do n't like them at all .
29 no I do n't like them at all he says , now my doctor had been given me this one
30 ‘ We do n't like it at all , ’ she protests .
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