Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] window " in BNC.

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1 Jewellery worth £450 was taken after a thief got in through an open window .
2 Cornelius gazed in through the front window of Molly 's Wholefoods .
3 She knelt down by the low window , put her head on her arms and cried bitterly .
4 Walking over to the nearest window , she peered out and found herself looking across what was unmistakably the Grand Canal .
5 She wandered over to the chicken-wired window , and looked out .
6 Dougal wandered over to the uncurtained window .
7 Mrs Hollidaye 's dogs were left inside the car bobbing up at the rear window .
8 He paused again at the next landing and peered out of the open window into the back-court .
9 climbing out of the middle window .
10 Doyle was just climbing out of the shattered window of the junk shop .
11 Looking down from a small window in the lodge house , the factor Robert Menzies was terrified to see the throngs of people , like herds of cattle milling at a tryst .
12 Jay Disley was spotted by the police looking in through a broken window and his accomplice Simon Brooklyn was found in the kitchen of the house in Berrybank Crescent .
13 The hours passed , daylight faded , and the sounds of a warm September evening came in through the open window .
14 A little breeze came in through the open window and set the hanging light swinging , so that her face was now shadowed , now glistening pale in the electric glare .
15 Edward came in at the french window and stared blankly at his younger sister .
16 Later in the evening the sound of loud laughter wafted up through the open window , and even snatches of a song .
17 ‘ I suppose you want me to go first , ’ said Caspar as they stood looking up at the open window , which was grimy and smeary , but much lower than the other windows .
18 Then , looking up at the circular window above it , Jack saw that the catch was not fully in position .
19 So , too , the third of them , Stevens , who stood to one side , looking back at the wall-length window and its view of the great circle of the spaceport 's landing apron .
20 A silver cup whizzed an inch wide of her father 's ear ; her eldest brother caught it just before it sailed out of an arrow-slit window .
21 The scientific observer conceives of himself as a rational mind looking out through a plate-glass window on to an inaccessible " nature " .
22 A passenger looking out of the right-hand window of the carriage after the train for Bishop 's Castle had clattered over the pointwork away from the Shrewsbury and Hereford joint line , to curve westwards into the Onny valley , would have seen a small timber platform marking the site of a temporary station that became a permanent feature .
23 Soon I was in my old room , with its creaky Victorian furniture , looking out of the tall window at the Dublin traffic .
24 And another part was still looking out of the rear window of the taxi at the green hills receding behind the tiled roofs into the morning sunshine ; still standing in the corridor of the train as the flat terrain of southern England slid past and a great weight built up steadily in my chest .
25 Looking out of the tiny window , she was disappointed .
26 Thiercelin stood looking out of the french window at the end of the long narrow room that was Fedorov 's library .
27 In the back a woman was looking out of the open window , her chin propped on the heel of her hand .
28 Half listening , half occupied with looking out of the open window at a flock of rooks riding in circles on the breeze , Melissa was vaguely aware of a succession of faint bumping noises in the distance , followed by returning footsteps .
29 As he strolled back to the front window , and peered behind the curtains again , Bodie asked , ‘ And where were you on all these exotic foreign trips ? ’
30 The sunshine was pouring in through a high window on the right , warming a square of the dark red polished floor and making the rest of the room look gloomy by comparison .
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