Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] themselves [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was , understandably , the peace which was essential information for the descendants , for it influenced their present actions to some extent ; and the solemnities were intended to impose themselves on the memory of the participants and witnesses and their children .
2 I have to say though , that when we the Council advise other charities on the investment powers that they should take when they 're established and when they draft their Memorandum of Association , erm , we advise them to take wider powers er , than these , and we advise them that they should not seek to constrain themselves by the Trustee Investment Act nineteen sixty-one , as our own flexibility is constrained .
3 TOURING America with your home at your back is a popular option for familes and travellers on a budget who want to free themselves from the hassle of searching for somewhere to get their heads down each night .
4 Only the instructor had done better and none of the officers who had come to amuse themselves on the range had more than a dozen hits out of 18 rounds .
5 Sometimes children like to list the names of the members of their family and in this way we can help them to count how many there are , and help them to remember to include themselves in the count !
6 Despite killing more than 1m of their countrymen between 1975 and 1979 , and despite refusing to submit themselves to the vote , they still have a chance of being invited into the government after the election .
7 And for all he knew , pro-Syrian elements , the Lebanese Forces and other narco-terrorist groups were also still looking to revenge themselves for the damage that he and the Asmar cell had done to their drugs , arms and hostage-taking operations in Beirut .
8 The picture is obscured by the different public and private agencies seeking to divest themselves of the burden by distributing costs between one another .
9 As individual developments , both directions were destined to run themselves into the ground .
10 Scottish fishermen 's leaders sought to distance themselves from the threat of direct action .
11 Titles stocked are selected to develop themselves on the morning and evening sermons .
12 That regional neglect has fuelled a feeling in many regions that perhaps they should be empowered to assist themselves in the face of an unsympathetic central Government .
13 While other institutions needed to accommodate themselves to the decline of formulary procedure and the new predominance of cognitio , trusts were in need of no adjustment .
14 First of all , medieval armies were sometimes not dependent on lines of communication : they did not , often could not , live on their own supplies , and reckoned to feed themselves on the land they passed through .
15 With cries of ‘ oi gevalt ’ and ‘ keender ! keender ! ’ from Mum and Dad and screams of fear from the girls , the three bodies eventually manage to extricate themselves from the floor .
16 The collaborators can be used to play themselves in the drama .
17 And these final comments , addressed over the child 's death , seem to justify themselves in the sense that the playwright is speaking not only from experience , but for all the parents who dread that this might happen to them .
18 There is however now some evidence that Select Committees would like to interest themselves in the Committee system and may be seeking to erode the present convention .
19 Such parties , as always , like to equate themselves with the sense of collective separateness , hostility to ‘ them ’ and the ‘ imagined community ’ which may be almost universally felt in their ‘ nation ’ , but they are very unlikely to be the only expression of such a national consensus .
20 Thus the church , the corporation , and the gentry began to divorce themselves from the bull-running .
21 Admittedly , after the initial euphoria following the passing of the 1885 act , some like Butler began to distance themselves from the purity movement .
22 ( i ) Ballot At the start of each session , all Members wishing to promote legislation ( or , more realistically , wishing to avail themselves of the opportunity of securing publicity for a cause ) may enter their names on a ballot .
23 In short , they should establish the kind of position in which they would wish to see themselves at the end of that period .
24 The ‘ younger people ’ as they were known started to ready themselves for the expedition which started the next day .
25 A variety of other industries were also ruined by British policy : silk goods manufacturers , for example , were compelled to restrict themselves to the production of raw silk , while gun making was seriously affected by a restrictive licensing policy and other means ( Bagchi , 1982 , p. 82 ) .
26 I hope now that the privileged few are having to lower themselves to the level of State schools , there will be more pressure on the Government to put some cash into education .
27 However , for musicians to take advantage of such technology , they needed to detach themselves from the conviction that high-cost studio technology and expertise was essential for the production of successful and valuable recordings .
28 They do not have to protect themselves from the monster .
29 He spoke for a minute , followed by a succession of other characters and then four grown , men sitting in the lotus position , proceeded to hurl themselves into the air .
30 Reluctantly tearing herself away from Marc as they went to ready themselves for the ceremony later on , she changed rapidly into the coat-dress bought for the wedding , then did her face and piled up her hair .
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