Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] at least [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To maintain satisfactory progress , a part-time student has to pass at least one course each year .
2 For that to begin to come about , a challenger would need to attract at least 70 MPs to vote for him or abstain .
3 Osborne , a 20-year-old crane driver of Leicester , was recommended to serve at least 10 years .
4 Anyway , ’ he told her , ‘ anyone who learns to sail has to experience at least one ducking .
5 Mr Gandhi needs to win at least 200 seats nationally to be reasonably certain of being called on to form the next government .
6 At its official relaunch , the new party leadership promised to field at least 250 candidates , and to concentrate on " politically interesting " seats , although it admitted that it could not win any .
7 — The public inquiry is expected to last at least two months and three pre-inquiry meetings have been held two in Northallerton and one in Marton , Middlesbrough .
8 The inquiry runs from Tuesday to Thursday ( 10am-4.30pm ) and Friday ( 10am-2pm ) each week and is expected to last at least two months .
9 The conference is expected to last at least three months — but by the end of it the Department of Transport may have a publically acceptable solution to Hereford 's traffic jams .
10 Now , by Planck 's quantum hypothesis , one can not use an arbitrarily small amount of light ; one has to use at least one quantum .
11 Bull also continued the fight with greater subtlety through the Daily Telegraph : he wrote for the Telegraph regularly in 1917 , either directly as " our political correspondent " , or indirectly by feeding information on the Bill to the paper , and this helped to keep at least one part of the Unionist press briefed with the official party line .
12 An officer dealing with a straightforward case of theft has to complete at least twenty documents as well as laboriously transcribe tapes of interviews .
13 Whether you are having a religious or a civil wedding , you must apply ( in person or in writing ) for a marriage schedule by giving notice to the local registrar where you want to marry at least 15 days ( but not longer than three months ) beforehand .
14 Last night , the League was expected to have at least 26 seats in the 315-seat Senate and at least 60 in the 430-seat Chamber of Deputies .
15 Many governing bodies appear to have at least one member who has some skill in financial planning and most governors are prepared to be sympathetic towards financial proposals from heads who show that they are competent .
16 The Government needs to have at least one member in a key senior position who understands the problems of women , and especially working women .
17 Expected to take at least four years to achieve , these will see the creation of a wide range of specialised habitats salt marsh , sand dunes , mountain stream , moorland and wetland all with their associated tree and plant life .
18 They are expected to take at least 30 years to mature .
19 Each time Celia re-entered the clinic he could not deny a feeling of overwhelming relief , although he still tried to spend at least one night at home mid-week , if only for the brief half-hour in the morning , which he was able to devote to Harry .
20 Although the Sardar Sarovar dam is only partly complete , the rise in water level caused by the forthcoming monsoon rains is expected to drown at least four villages .
21 Donald Mackay , aged 41 , was jailed for life at the Old Bailey — and recommended to serve at least 40 years — for the murder of a prostitute , Ann Petherick , and for assaulting another prostitute , Rosemary Saunders .
22 Taking account again of the public concern about violent crime , in future I intend to exercise my discretion so that murderers of police or prison officers , terrorist murderers , sexual or sadistic murderers of children and murderers by firearm in the course of robbery can normally expect to serve at least 20 years in custody ; and there will be cases where the gravity of the offence requires a still longer period .
23 At the same time the Secretary of State gave notice that for certain categories of crime where life sentences had been passed , the offenders could expect to spend at least 20 years in prison .
24 According to the state-owned newspaper L'Union , one soldier and one civilian died in the rebellion , and 52 people were arrested ; those arrested were thought to include at least 20 GPP supporters .
25 Write a short essay on reciprocal dumping because define what reciprocal dumping is you 've also got to give at least one example of reciprocal dumping , right , so you do n't have to give any detailed examples just erm E E C waste er food policy in these days reciprocal dumping would be subsidized after exports in order for America to sell its few exports it has to so it is best subsidised definition define what it is give application of concept erm if the concept involves measurement , say how it , how it can be measured say an effective protection trade , er say how it could , how it could be measured
26 Got to have at least two degrees , if not three kind of thing .
27 ( c ) where a recognised body ceases to have at least one shareholder who is able to exercise voting rights in respect of at least one share .
28 Later on , when we distributed publicity or went door to door visiting , we never failed to draw at least one family to come and see this new thing which had come to pass .
29 As part of the post-war baby bulge , I am confidently expecting to spend at least 20 years in retirement along with an unprecedented number of my peers .
30 But if you are looking for a 21st century Polo , you will have to wait at least three years until the genuinely all-new one .
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