Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [num ord] half [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Each party to the conference , including the Palestinian representation , was understood to have received during the second half of October a separate " letter of assurances ' from the US government .
2 One such was that at Charfield built during the first half of the 19th century .
3 The Kuwait intervention , though important to the Defence policy-makers , was of little consequence to the political departments , whose mandarins were immersed during the first half of 1961 in two major debates : how to handle the Anglo-American special relationship after Kennedy had taken over as US President in January ; and whether or not to put less emphasis on Anglo-American and Commonwealth links by applying belatedly to join the EEC .
4 Domestic developments were dominated during the second half of the year by the Gulf crisis , which emphasized Djibouti 's close relationship with France at a time when it had been striving to build up its image as a non-aligned Arab state .
5 Also shown are photographs of some of the more notable news happenings that occurred during the first half of the present century .
6 Wrigley and Schofield have shown that between 1650–99 and 1800–49 the age at first marriage for women fell by 3·1 years ; most of the fall occurred during the second half of the eighteenth century and it was most apparent in industrial communities .
7 Egypt : Well Disuq-1 drilled in the first half of 1992 tested only sub-commercial quantities of gas .
8 With a native version of Novell Inc NetWare due on Sparc next year ( UX No 423 ) , Banyan Systems Inc 's rival Vines network operating system is now being ported to the Sun RISC and is expected in the first half of 1994 .
9 Shipments of products meeting their standards are expected in the first half of 1994 .
10 Mr Runciman said the first warning of problems came in August when it was realised that a major contract expected in the first half of the financial year was not going to materialise .
11 Sampling is expected in the second half of next year with volume following in early 1994 .
12 The current-account imbalances in the three largest economies , West Germany , Japan and the USA , shrank more than was expected in the second half of 1989 .
13 Expected in the last half of 1993 , the company is intent on doubling Pentium 's performance and moving three instructions through the 2.2m transistor chip every cycle .
14 As Sir John Fortescue was to write in the second half of the fifteenth century , ‘ a King 's war is a legal trial by battle [ when ] he seeks the right he can not obtain by peaceful means ’ .
15 Several titles are already available with the joint logo , and the first new titles under the arrangement come in the first half of this year .
16 A fall in urban rent values can also be seen in Oxford , although the evidence cited is less comprehensive than that for York , and the most drastic fall seems to have come in the second half of the fifteenth century after a period of relative stability .
17 Cray Research Inc reports that the Space Data and Computing Division of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has ordered a Cray C98 system : C98s start at around $12m and the new one will be installed in the second half of this year and will be used for Earth and space sciences research , the firm said .
18 By 1741 the British version of the cabinet noir , the ‘ Secret Office ’ , was employing nine people ; and its cost tended to increase in the second half of the century .
19 Avoid over-spending in the first half of the year and set aside as much as you possibly can in the event of any tax demands or unexpected large financial outlays later .
20 Winter visitors disperse quite rapidly in April and May , and little through passage in spring is shown by the counts in Fig. 2 , except in 1973 and 1974 when a marked movement occurred in the second half of February .
21 This cash outflow occurred in the first half of the year .
22 The history of Marxist anthropology since The Origin has , as a result , been the difficult , painful , and incomplete recovery of Marxism for pre-capitalist social formations , and the story of this process is what we shall consider in the second half of this book .
23 Anderson was booked in the first half for bringing down Marin on a night when the Germans again showed their propensity for going down theatrically under straightforward challenges .
24 But Jolosa was booked in the first half for kicking goalie Mark Davies .
25 He was booked in the first half for having a go at Whelan , and did a few other challenges worthy of his bad name .
26 The custom originated in the first half of the nineteenth century and has largely died out , but at Saddleworth a very large procession takes place on the Friday after Whitsuntide .
27 Applications re-written specifically to take advantage of multithreading will begin to appear in the second half of the year , Sun says , but argues that customers can derive significant performance benefits from running existing applications on multiprocessor machines with Solaris 2.2 .
28 Applications re-written specifically to take advantage of multithreading will begin to appear in the second half of the year , Sun says , but argues customers can derive significant performance benefits from running existing applications on multiprocessor machines with Solaris 2.2 .
29 An attractive broadside group are the so-called Beadle and Bellman 's Verses , addressed in the first half of the nineteenth century to such town and city dwellers as ‘ the worthy inhabitants of the Parish of Barnes , Surrey ’ or ‘ the worthy masters and mistresses of the Holborn End Division of the Parish of St. Giles in the Fields ’ and designed to be proclaimed by the public crier or parish bellman .
30 Although it is scattered throughout the idealised version , in the original version it is confined to the first half of the story .
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