Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the same rate [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If the rent under the sublease is made to increase at the same rate as the rent under the headlease , and the rent under the headlease is less than a market rent at the date of grant of the sublease , the rent under the sublease may well exceed the true market rent after the first rent review .
2 In other words , the real cost of employing labour rose at the same rate as productivity — over 3 per cent a year ( figure 8.3 ) .
3 For example , although a curie of any radioactive element disintegrates at the same rate as I gram of natural radium ( as found in sea-water ) there is no connection between this and the relative toxicity of the element as compared to radium .
4 Norway is a particularly interesting example where they saw a rocketing rate of smoking amongst adolescents they introduced a smoking ban , er an an advertising ban , and in fact , it 's reversed and they , they 're youngsters are not smoking at the same rate as as they were .
5 Many professionals within the Lloyd 's market welcome the current crop of departures as there is an excess of financial capacity within the market at a time when business is not growing at the same rate as the available capacity .
6 McCoist did snatch at a mistimed clearance from Buttigieg but by then the appeal of a substitution was growing at the same rate as the crowd 's dismay .
7 The advancing edge or step is now twice the normal height and so would require twice the amount of new material if it were to advance at the same rate as the other layers .
8 If all the health authorities performed at the same rate as the top 25 per cent. , an additional 186,000 patients could be treated at no extra cost .
9 A male , therefore , feeding at the same rate and converting energy into gametes at the same rate as a female , can produce gametes at a much higher rate .
10 The reason why there is no increase in output is that the typical supplier has correctly realized that the price on his island is rising at the same rate as the average level of prices , and there has therefore been no change in his relative price and so no incentive to raise output above its natural level .
11 Johnnie also excelled at the job and adapted at the same rate as his friend .
12 Where the snout , or end , of a glacier stayed in one place for many years — which was when the ice was advancing at the same rate as it was melting — more and more boulder clay was dumped at the glacier snout .
13 Operating system revenues were up $1.8m to $61.7m , though revenue growth has not increased at the same rate as unit volumes shipped because of volume discount schedules .
14 During selection with malathion and IBP , resistance gene frequency of a stock of Culex quinquefasciatus decreased at the same rate as untreated mosquitoes , whereas with malathion alone the resistance gene frequency increased fourfold in three generations .
15 On the assumption that they would continue to fall at the same rate as in the first half of the decade , it was estimated that the population would be only one tenth of its size in a hundred years time .
16 The measured settling velocities are converted into ‘ equivalent sedimentation diameters ’ , or the diameters of spheres settling at the same rate as the natural particles being tested ( Gibbs , Matthews & link , 1971 ) .
17 If , for instance , he drops a ball it accelerates at the same rate as the capsule and will remain at rest relative to the capsule , whatever their shared acceleration .
18 I mean , surely the English hens were laying at the same rate as they did in peacetime ?
19 Note that if you take Kugelbaum 's football and let all the pentagons expand at the same rate and at the expense of the Ts until every T has shrunk to a point you will be left with a regular dodecahedron , having 12 pentagonal faces .
20 If it is assumed that the age structure of the inward flow and the outward flow is similar and that those who leave continue to reproduce at the same rate as those of a similar age who stay then an estimate of the number of births to women who leave can be made ( table ) .
21 They were usually billed as the star attraction so John obviously made a good profit out of them but they were still paid at the same rate as all his juveniles , five shillings a week .
22 For instance , the single person 's National Insurance retirement pension in 1990 is worth 26 per cent more than unemployment benefit , whereas back in 1972 they were paid at the same rate and had been for most of the period since 1948 .
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