Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] at least [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was taken to see the King , but had to wait for at least an hour while he struggled with a difficult mathematical question .
2 He should stay for at least a season in the Premier League .
3 In a related development , agriculture minister Adam Tanski called on banks to suspend for at least a month legal proceedings against private farmers who were unable to pay back credit .
4 The tower , it was generally believed , was unlikely to fall for at least a century .
5 CONTROVERSIAL plans to redevelop a dilapidated shopping arcade in a town centre have been delayed for at least a year .
6 WARSAW ( Reuter ) — The Polish Finance Minister , Leszek Balcerowicz , offered Poles a harsh dose of economic austerity yesterday , but said no relief from soaring prices and food queues could be expected for at least a year .
7 No product is expected for at least a year .
8 Meditate for at least a minute and longer if you can manage it .
9 He was informed that Colonel and Mrs Moore had left with Miss D'Arcy on some unexpected business and would not be returning for at least a fortnight : and even that was by no means certain .
10 Nominations need to stand for at least a week , but MPs will not be at Westminster to vote .
11 The hearing will take place in Ipswich on April 6 , but a final decision is not expected until at least a month later .
12 Europe 's hotel industry is on the bumpy road to re-establishing its pre-Gulf War position but full recovery is not expected until at least the end of 1991 , according to a report from analyst Salomon Brothers .
13 The depth and fervour of public response seriously threatens the stability of a new and uncertain government committed to at least a show of support for the US .
14 This had been of something more than philosophical interest to Karen and I in our pre-coital phase , since it meant that we could count on at least a minute thirty seconds before he reappeared , or as much as three minutes forty-five seconds if we heard the seat go down for a big jobby .
15 The indications are that this site may have been exploited for at least a year .
16 The fungi wait for at least a couple of characters to enter before they attack .
17 Records of membership , subscriptions and payments had to be kept , and at times of dispute , petitions and other statements of grievances were drawn up and presented from at least the beginning of the eigh-teenth century .
18 Each one had missed by at least a yard .
19 Can you see items on your shelves or in your cabinets which you have not used for at least a year ?
20 Whether or not there is a bust this year , in the long term China 's prospects are excellent , which could prove the best economic news the world has had for at least a century , and the best news China 's people have ever had .
21 The strips were initially placed under 1.0 g resting tension and allowed to equilibrate for at least an hour before the start of experiments .
22 The polarity of the crystal is preserved for at least a year and , in theory , as long as 10 years after power to the cell is switched off .
23 A marked contrast in behaviour would be expected during continental collision between the very thick crust of the Andes , where relatively rapid subduction has occurred throughout at least the Cenozoic , and the Alpine region where the closure of the ocean separating North Africa and southern Europe has been more gradual .
24 But there is a reverse to this , for wider security concerns require that neighbourhood men accomplish community policing equipped with at least a side-arm , sometimes more , flak jacket and baton , as well as personal radio .
25 The creation of some form of consultative body had been promised since at least a year earlier .
26 Kate asked idly , striving for at least a semblance of normality between them .
27 The result is made up eyebrows or lip lines that last for at least a year — but it does n't come cheap .
28 The ban followed the Chernobyl accident , and was expected to last until at least the end of the century .
29 Many health policies in Third World countries are based on at least the vocabulary of this approach though the political climate does not always encourage such radical rethinking of health care nor does the training of most health workers prepare them to work in the new ways implied in the PHC philosophy .
30 The oldest continuous herd , the Creetown , was founded in 1919 , but the variety was known for at least a century before that , when the feral Ardrossan herd of White Park cattle became extinct in 1820 .
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