Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] mind the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It rightly adds that the exercise of such a right must be done ‘ while keeping in mind the necessary unity of the whole Church ’ , but also that a ‘ strict observance of this traditional principle is among the prerequisites for any restoration of unity ’ .
2 It is important to bear in mind the wide range of inter-agency linkages that may be necessary without reference to the subject matter of those linkages .
3 I agree with my hon. Friend that it is extremely important to bear in mind the key significance of the Chamber and the Smoking Room .
4 The greater landowners would also employ other gentlemen servants in the management of their estates in the early eighteenth century , some of whom might be freeholders , and all of whom would have connections with the voting freeholders , and while it is true that some of these appointments were poorly paid , one has to bear in mind the comparative poverty of so many of the Scottish gentry in terms of money income .
5 It is therefore still important to examine the role of Ac-ASA in any in vitro experiment desiend to test the mechanism of action of 5-ASA and to bear in mind the differential absorption of these drugs when an intact cell system is used .
6 It is useful to bear in mind the sharp distinction between those artefacts which , to use , the user needs to have to hand , and those which can be used remotely .
7 ‘ But if you are a responsible company you have to bear in mind the overall health of the company for the good of all staff and hard decisions have to be taken . ’
8 We need to bear in mind the wise counsel of Francis de Sales , the seventeenth-century Bishop of Geneva , when he dedicated his book , Introduction to the Devout Life , to his close friend Philothea :
9 It is important to bear in mind the fundamental rule of agency law , that the acts of an agent are only binding on the principal if the agent had actual or apparent authority to perform those acts .
10 In doing this , it is useful to bear in mind the historical location of Adorno 's writings on popular music .
11 It is , in particulars the unnerving intellectuality of the life around him that Hölderlin attacks , the overvaluation of philosophizing and the promise of action that never comes , the substitution of books and words for deeds , the excessive introspection and lack of worldly competence ( the criticism has a special poignancy in that these are character traits he is intimately familiar with , which at times become part of his self-criticism ) When he speaks of Greece , it is not always clear whether he has in mind the fifth century or the timeless present in which Hyperion lives , but it is always Greece that provides the contrast .
12 And the Epilogue also points forward in its closing words to ‘ a new tale ’ , because ‘ our present one is ended ’ , and the narrator says he has in mind the slow regeneration of Raskolnikov , now in prison , through love and suffering .
13 Precisely how this requisite adjustment is effected is rarely discussed satisfactorily in this literature , particularly when one bears in mind the close connection between changes in money wages and changes in prices which is such a prominent feature of the pricing decision in most advanced market economies .
14 He may have had in mind the possible loss of East Germany as a military base area .
15 With regard to the gradients , Leathart must have had in mind the steep section of the Deep Level .
16 When the Secretary of State was helping to draft the declaration on the middle east peace process , did he have in mind the curfew that has been placed on the Nablus and Hebron areas and on the Al-Bireh area and did he have in mind the illegal occupation of the houses in the Silwan area of Jerusalem ?
17 Whatever plans the local authority may have the court will have in mind the underlying philosophy of the Act that " children are best looked after within the family with both parents playing a full part and without resort to legal proceedings " ( Guidance , vol 1 , para 1.5 ) .
18 But my strategy was to keep in mind the long-term situation … .
19 A reader from a common law background is often puzzled by this , because it looks like the single concept of ‘ service ’ with which he is familiar ; he has to keep in mind the civil law distinction between more and less solemn modes .
20 His delicious Pas des Légumes performed at a special performance to mark the market 's passing brought to mind the long history not only of the ‘ fruit and veg ’ , but also of Harlequin , Columbine and their colleagues of the commedia dell'arte , inhabitants for many years of the Theatre Royal , Drury Lane , and the King 's Theatre , Drury Lane , where the first ballets d'action were staged .
21 He also called to mind the noble Earl 's father , Lord Kilmarnock , beheaded in London for his part in the '45 ; the son who hosted Boswell and Johnson broke with the family 's rebellious tradition and sided with the King and London .
22 When deciding the environment of the system being modelled , keep in mind the simple definition that applies in this context , ie it influences but does n't control the system , and also the notion that the environment provides the inputs to the system and receives the outputs from it .
23 It is not always easy to directly compare the interest rates between different lenders because of differences in the way the charges are calculated — a good guide is the APR rather than the basic rate — and always bear in mind the possible arrangement or setting up fees !
24 Will the Prime Minister bear in mind the vast quantity of surplus conventional and chemical weaponry held by the former Soviet Union states ?
25 Although I appreciate that no one should at present , and on the Floor of the House , talk lightheartedly about the deployment of military forces in Northern Ireland , will my right hon. Friend bear in mind the considerable virtue that many would feel if the border with the Irish Republic were more effectively supervised hereafter ?
26 If politicians came to the conclusion that education was too important to be left to the educators , bear in mind the massive input of public resources , education 's failure to demonstrate significant improvement of standards , poor marketing , uncertain professional leadership and the fact that every year youngsters leave school ignorant of much they might reasonably be expected to know and lacking skills that could have been acquired in 11 years of schooling .
27 Consider using an object such as a bag or briefcase or a chair to fend off the attacker ( bear in mind the potential difference between fending off and striking with a weapon ) .
28 The present interrelationship between control of the schools and the two alliances varies in each part of Ireland , though one should also bear in mind the additional underpinning of the alliances both North and South by one of the traditional values of bourgeois capitalism , private and selective schooling .
29 It need not be a large bed , but just a suitable corner , not too far from the house ( you must bear in mind the possible weather conditions ) and with reasonably dry access .
30 Improved road and rail links with the rest of Britain , good local amenities , and a wide range of leisure activities make the West Country a popular location for weekend home owners , and retirement.And retired people should also bear in mind the high cost of French health care .
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