Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [adj] nations [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And Zimbabwe have got a very good chance of qualifying for the African Nations Cup AND the World Cup . ’
2 For Scotland it 's now a case of rebuilding for the Five Nations Championship .
3 The nearest attempt to a child 's entitlement expressed by adults on their behalf lies in the United Nations Charter .
4 A similar provision ( article 91(1) ) was contained in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 ( Cmnd. 8941 ) .
5 The hon. Member for Bournemouth , East ( Mr. Atkinson ) referred to the United Nations non-proliferation treaty .
6 The 7th Edinburgh Peace Festival will open on Saturday with a one-day conference organised by the United Nations Association at which the principal speakers will include George Robertson , MP , Labour 's foreign affairs spokesman ; Professor Paul Wilkinson , of the chair of international relations at St Andrews University , and Commander Robert Green , RN ( retd ) , the UK chairman of the international World Court Project .
7 Therefore , I am in agreement with Mr. Porter in that I believe referees from other rugby nations , such as Fiji , Australia , Argentina etc. , should be selected for the Five Nations Championship .
8 But , more than that , his predilection for Neath players deprived the club of their own best talent so that when they would otherwise have been training for the league , instead they were training for the Five Nations Championship .
9 For , as far as English rugby is concerned , these are the days of miracles and wonders , the days when England can turn out the finest team ever and cavort through the Five Nations championship as if it were a lap of honour .
10 The breakthrough came as the United Nations commander in Bosnia , Gen Philippe Morillon , of France , said he had secured a pledge of help from Serbia 's president , Slobodan Milosevic .
11 There are 68,000 refugees in Khmer Rouge-controlled camps inside Thailand , according to the United Nations border relief operation .
12 The average index of prices in 1986 was 25 per cent below the 1980 level , according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) .
13 According to the United Nations Fund for Population Activities ( UNFPA ) , the world 's population will stabilise at around ten billion in approximately 60 years from now .
14 In a letter written to Italy 's new Ministro dei Beni Culturali , Alberto Ronchey , in August , reference is made to the United Nations resolution for the return of cultural property to its country of origin .
15 The Sri Lanka Environmental Journalists Forum ( SLEJF ) has been selected by the United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ) to receive the Global 500 Award in recognition of its outstanding contribution to environmental reporting .
16 The first global report on air and water pollution , food contamination and their effects on health has just been prepared by the United Nations Environment Programme .
17 Two clauses relating to the Iranian fatwa against Salman Rushdie were included in a resolution on human rights in Iran adopted by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights at its 49th session , which closed last month .
18 He fought against the United Nations troops in the attempted Katangese secession of nineteen sixty to sixty-two .
19 The Prime Minister has warned Saddam Hussein to comply with the United Nations ultimatum .
20 It had been bought with a United Nations grant of 1980 on the understanding that all the profits would be channelled discreetly into a numbered Swiss bank account to be used exclusively by UNICEF .
21 There 's also a exhibition by the tactical communications wing which has sent three men to yugoslavia to help with the United Nations airlift of emergency aid .
22 If an asylum claim that is not justified under the United Nations convention is to be the means of obtaining settlement in the United Kingdom , we need at the very least to explain , particularly to the minority communities legitimately settled here , why their friends and relatives who would like to come and join them are not allowed to do so because they told the truth when they made their applications , whereas others who are prepared to make an unfounded asylum claim can remain indefinitely .
23 He said he he 's apparently just moved and he 's got involved with this other charity erm to do with the United Nations Friends of the Earth and just passed it on to me .
24 In view of the appalling massacre that took place last week in East Timor , will the Government call on the United Nations Security Council to discuss East Timor ?
25 Technical assistance will be provided by the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) to help 22 developing countries replace and phase out chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) , halons and other ozone-depleting substances .
26 So , as the deadline set by the United Nations Security Council passed , new sanctions came into effect .
27 In this instance the Court felt that the immediate consequence of rejecting the claim would be to force the inhabitants to appeal to the United Nations Security Council , which would be an excessive burden to place upon them compared with local judicial fora .
28 The court ordered the original bills of lading , which were in the hands of B. , the ambassador of the Republic of Somalia appointed to the United Nations Organisation by the former government , to be placed in court to facilitate the sale of the cargo and for the net proceeds of sale to be paid into court .
29 Audrey , 63 , is desperate to go back to work — campaigning for the United Nations Children 's Fund .
30 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions he plans to have with the United Nations Secretary General about a United Nations peace-keeping force in Yugoslavia .
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