Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] long period of " in BNC.

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1 Now reference was made to the police finance working party which met for a long period of time , and unfortunately made no progress whatsoever in zero base budgeting .
2 Yeah but you 're not used to him being home all the time are you Lyn , I mean for a long period of time like .
3 Perhaps the attitude developed during a long period of established practice and little change .
4 In early 1977 , for the first time in 30 years , campesinos in the central region of the country occupied land from which they had been evicted over a long period of time to make way for export crops .
5 It is widely accepted that the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century was preceded by a long period of gradual economic growth , but when the upturn began remains uncertain .
6 In the Chandni Chowk shopkeepers boarded up their premises , buried their treasure and prepared for a long period of unrest .
7 It was to lead to a long period of self-confessed misery for her , including beatings by her tranquilliser-addicted mother and spells of being locked naked with her sister in cupboards .
8 Signatories of GATT could institute tariff changes which might discriminate against third parties only if done over a long period of time , so giving those third parties the opportunities of adjusting to the change without suffering severe economic disruption .
9 In this type of study , trend values of consumption and income are collected over a long period of time so that most cyclical fluctuations are smoothed out .
10 ‘ This is one that Alan has had for a long period of time , ’ Mr Cross said .
11 Your friends usually are the one you have known for a long period of time , for example at work or at university .
12 The foundations were now securely laid for a long period of prosperity rising to a peak in the early fourth century , if one can judge from the mansion-type houses in the towns and countryside .
13 ‘ … and the pathetic thing was that he thought he had just recovered from a long period of madness . ’
14 Also the junction between the uncorroded metal and the applied patina is very sharp , whereas a patina which has developed over a long period of time will have eaten into the metal in a very irregular and quite characteristic manner that is very difficult to imitate .
15 I went through a long period of thinking of having him adopted .
16 Added to these was another important element , for the period of the festival was a time of licence : this was a necessary outlet in the community for the tensions repressed after the long period of hard physical toil .
17 As in most parts of Britain the Hercynian movements at the end of the Carboniferous were accompanied and followed by a long period of erosion .
18 The reason for all this is because carp are very hard fish to catch and carp fishermen fish for a long period of time often a few nights and days .
19 1976 ) , is being revived after a long period of disrepute .
20 Similarly , events arising out of long-standing difficulties would increase risk of depression : where , for instance , a husband left home after years of arguing and discord ; a child was arrested for burglary after a long history of behavioural problems at home and school ; or a substantial fine was incurred after a long period of extreme financial difficulty ( Brown et al. , 1987 ) .
21 These measures had resulted from a long period of maturation and fitted into Morrison 's 1944 vision of a ‘ legislative programme of social reconstruction ’ after the war had ended .
22 By the last decade of Henry VIlI 's reign , if not before , England was beginning to recover from a long period of population decline .
23 What each of us does over a long period of trial and error is to acquire a set of tools with which we are comfortable and which we can apply in different ways to the myriad problems which we need to solve .
24 Complex adaptations have developed because in certain circumstances the same selection pressure has been maintained over a long period of time .
25 Besides , the variations in the pattern and emphasis of such courses seem to have grown up largely pragmatically , as a function of the organizational ‘ discretion ’ that both institutions and academics have in responding to the needs , pressures and priorities they have perceived over a long period of time .
26 But what I am saying in context , no this has a deal to do with the co boundaries , as you know erm the honourable member well knows , the essence of this this is wholly inappropriate in terms of erm trying to latest citizenship through an arrangement of six additional boundaries into a erm union and a political state and I think that that is the profound objection that this side of the house has expressed over a long period of time now , is a reflection of the public mood in the country in respect of this election and the way the boundaries er are are erm apportioned and all I say in conclusion is that this is an evidence further of the irrelevance of this house in reflecting and attesting to public opinion outside .
27 The performance of the housewife role in adulthood is prefaced by a long period of apprenticeship .
28 Your own , personalized weight control programme has not been a sudden thing but has evolved over a long period of time .
29 What was less obvious was the effect on the system as a whole , which had evolved over a long period of time influenced by a variety of political and economical pressures , and not necessarily in a methodical manner .
30 If we find that magnets attached to cats will upset their ability to find their way home , then we are beginning , very dimly , to understand the amazing homing abilities that the animals have evolved over a long period of time .
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