Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [verb] [art] previous day " in BNC.

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1 The operation had been planned the previous day after close liaison with the local RUC Headquarters , and was to include a detailed search of the area using dogs and helicopters .
2 Mark states that the next morning Jesus and his disciples walked passed the fig tree that had been cursed the previous day .
3 Rioting erupted in the Gaza Strip on Nov. 3 as news spread that a Palestinian detainee had been killed the previous day by soldiers .
4 As Bob Merryfield was having his dram Charlie broached the subject of rabbits and Parkinson said he could have a pair , as a number had been shot the previous day .
5 Izvestiya of July 28 reported that a peace agreement had been signed the previous day after two days of talks by representatives of the political parties , the official leadership , religious leaders and security service representatives .
6 Nine others had been arrested the previous day , he added , " following a search operation by the army " in which one soldier had been killed and two wounded .
7 Keeling had been arrested the previous day and put on a flight to London .
8 On arrival , however , Sir John French heard that Lanrezac 's Fifth Army had been attacked the previous day and was no longer able to cross the River Sambre .
9 Vonadk , the Khmer Rouge clandestine radio , reported on Jan. 6 that an offensive had been launched the previous day against the key north-western provincial capital of Battambang .
10 At the end of the Irkutsk talks Baker left for Mongolia , but he cut short his visit to meet Shevardnadze in Moscow on Aug. 3 to discuss the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait , which had been launched the previous day [ see pp. 37631-41 for coverage of Gulf crisis , including Baker-Shevardnadze joint statement ] .
11 At the other extreme of the street , Mr Patel was able to confirm that a man had been working the previous day , and that morning , on the Ford Capri that was still there , still with the bonnet raised , still with a plastic bag on the battery .
12 SPK , the SOC news agency , reported on Jan. 30 that 144 prisoners — 24 political detainees and 120 POWs — had been released the previous day .
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