Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] the days [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Most spreadsheets were designed back in the days when 640KBytes was the maximum amount of memory that was available .
2 The first prisoners had come here in the days when the state of war between England and Germany was still largely theoretical .
3 Verily , the game has moved on from the days when Bobby Locke could , for instance , win seven tournaments in his baptismal year on the US circuit , and four Open Championships on this side of the Atlantic , and yet virtually never feel the need to depart from his habitual draw .
4 Athletics , too , had moved away from the days when black sportsmen in the USA were forbidden to compete against whites .
5 People did broadcasts , and if they wrote books , or gave talks on books , these books were all to be found in the BBC Library , along with a fine technical collection and an unrivalled political section , dating back to the days when Guy Burgess ran their first Parliamentary programmes .
6 After violent storms the haul will often include valuable items dating back to the days when drowned sailors on the local beach was commonplace .
7 ‘ Of course , Taiwan has a Portuguese connection dating back to the days when it was Formosa , but you wo n't have found any opportunity to air it these days .
8 Another famous hillside figure harks back to the days when , according to legends , giants walked the land .
9 Jon , as he proudly watched the Union Jack raised above his head , must have thought back to the days when , as Oxford University Boat Race president , the only flag he looked at was the skull and crossbones which hung in his study with a menacing message written underneath : ‘ Death Zone — No Prisoners . ’
10 I used to walk between the two parts of the building — that is between my studio/study and the main house — and stare up at the pulley that hangs over the hall , an imitation of the one that hung there in the days when a real miller hoisted his sacks of grain .
11 It goes back to the days when people used to worship heavenly bodies as gods .
12 This goes back to the days when there were hop gardens at the rear of the pub , and picking was done by gipsy families ( shant being an old gipsy word , meaning to drink ) .
13 The very important interest JCI has in the diamond industry goes back to the days when Barney Barnato , together with Cecil Rhodes played an important role in the establishment of De Beers in Kimberley .
14 This had been proposed in an earlier draft which was condemned by journalists as seeking to introduce " curbs … such as journalists did not experience even in the days when the CPSU was all-powerful " .
15 Our grandmothers grew up in the days when women rose at dawn , laid the sticks and lit the fire .
16 The Government , he says , must go back to the days when school meals were available for every child .
17 The cover was made of leather and went back to the days when mankind used animals for food and clothing .
18 I fret often for the days when I lived and worked in the countryside , but one sad sight used to be that of herds of demented idiots vandalising the scenery and terrorising nature in their delirious lust for an innocent animal 's life .
19 Second World War gas masks , tin helmets and posters on treating burns and what to do with incendiary bombs were left over from the days when each factory had a fire watch and some even had a home guard .
20 He started looking into corners for the bugging device , though he said he was searching for a stray cigarette , left over from the days when he smoked .
21 Florida is the shock of the new jutaposed with '40s and '50s kitsch and the magnificent turn-of-the-century beachfront resorts that date back to the days when the Northern grandees , steamer trunks and servants in tow , would descend by private rail to the exclusive enclaves of Sarasota , Palm Beach and Miami .
22 He said : ‘ We 've got to get back to the days when Elland Road was an intimidating place for teams to visit .
23 Places like the Giant 's Rock near Zennor , the Giant 's Quoits on the coast east of Land 's End and the Giant 's Grave north east of Penzance , all hark back to the days when the big people supposedly ruled .
24 ( The name dates back to the days when all home electronics was a horrid brown colour — now it is an almost nasty black ) .
25 If the building is turned into a pub the distinctive glass canopy , which dates back to the days when it was a garage , will be retained .
26 My own earliest memories of Winnie , stretch back to the days when — following in the tennis footsteps of her mother , Winifred Mason , who became Scottish champion twice , she was winning British junior championships titles .
27 ‘ The pattern of construction has changed considerably since the days when Lithgow was laid out .
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