Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] [noun] [prep] eye " in BNC.

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1 We may not have always seen eye to eye in the past but I have great respect for him nevertheless . ’
2 Molinari and Foulkes found that subjects woken up following bursts of eye movement activity reported more vivid dreams than when woken up following intervals of REM sleep in which the eyes had been still .
3 Bishops were again brought in to arbitrate ; but they did not see eye to eye .
4 He said he could not serve on that sub-committeee ( consisting of Brian Close , Bob Appleyard , Phil Sharpe , Bryan Stott , Tony Woodhouse ) ‘ when I do not see eye to eye with them on any subject ’ .
5 America , Britain and France do not see eye to eye .
6 And if an objective moral standard is thrown over , what is to stop the majority in society — or even a minority in power — from putting away in a mental institution those who do not see eye to eye with them until they are " cured " ?
7 ‘ You ca n't pretend he 's normal and it 's no secret that he did n't see eye to eye with Alain . ’
8 They brought him back as a Caretaker to General Manager and really I did n't see eye to eye with him .
9 ‘ I had the impression that you did n't see eye to eye on how the club should be run . ’
10 The trouble is , we do n't see eye to eye , or , more correctly , our minds move in different channels .
11 But then those two do n't see eye to eye about anything these days .
12 I do n't see eye to eye with Tod on all issues .
13 The portly Breton was standing in the town in yesterday 's parliamentary elections but it would appear that he does not see eye to eye with local activists .
14 He waited until Berthon — with whom Rudd had never seen eye to eye — took a holiday and grafted a new front end on to Jean Behra 's car .
15 The two have never seen eye to eye apparently and although some papers called him a hothead , Horton insists he was n't going to have a go at the ref , who was given a police escort back to the dressing rooms .
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