Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] himself a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He has not paid himself a proper wage for four months .
2 DAVID Capper , the BBC Radio Ulster reporter with one of the best-known voices on the air , has just clinched himself a fantastic new job .
3 We got here just in the right season , and I assure you he has already shown himself a great enemy to the feathered tribe , having shot a great many beautiful birds and robbed various others of their nests and eggs .
4 So the other night my , the girl next door to us , her husband does painting and he 'd just got himself a new van I said fucking hell I said to him sometimes I said there 's a van outside I wan na know who it is , is that still on ?
5 ‘ Should we allow a member who has narrowly avoided bankruptcy to keep on calling himself a chartered accountant ? ’
6 Parr did not consider himself a jealous man , in any way .
7 Funny he did n't give himself a new name , but maybe he felt there was no reason why he should .
8 The really astonishing thing was that Walter Schellenberg did n't consider himself a Nazi , looked on the Third Reich as a sorry charade , its main protagonists actors of a very low order indeed .
9 Brusilov , who had directed Russia 's southern thrust during the Battle of Lemberg , had already proved himself a redoubtable commander of troops in mass .
10 He also played cricket , and had already earned himself a bad reputation by smashing two windows in the village .
11 Sharpe , despite the Prince 's frequent insistence , had yet to buy himself a Dutch uniform .
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