Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] be happen [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So if it is happening at club level you can guarantee it is happening at the top .
2 If we want to know what is happening to the church we need to understand what is happening in the secular world at large .
3 You have to want to know what is happening to the people . ’
4 He makes it his business to know what is happening on the street — although he is rarely if ever seen there himself these days — and feeds these spontaneous trends into the crucible of high fashion , to make it fizz and bubble .
5 It also provides an opportunity , and I think this is quite important , for people to get to know what is happening within the fields of expertise , which increasingly in our society become more and more specialised , more and more hedged off from one another , and in a sense I think that there is a very great danger if intelligent adults in the community , laymen in effect , do n't have some idea , some coherent idea , of what 's going on in these fields of specialisation and expertise .
6 They believed practicalities like how parents are supposed to know what is happening in the nursery should be clarified , and that there were records available for parents to look at and in some cases contribute to , in connection with their own child and with the nursery in general .
7 ‘ I have my duties , ’ replied Dr Neil , assuming a pompous voice , ‘ and one of them is to know what is happening in the world .
8 Michael Liley , the Association Director , has pointed out that important changes were in the offing , and it was important to know what was to happen as the change were likely to be found unpleasant in the trade .
9 Therefore , on payment out , the court must direct what is to happen to the accrued interest .
10 say what 's happening on the twenty third of January
11 ‘ I say what 's happening with the Bloods and the Crips is the same thing that 's happening with the protestants and catholics in Northern Ireland , which is the same thing that 's happening in South Africa where different tribes fight each other .
12 According to Lorraine Thorne of the Environmental Investigation Agency : " We just do n't know what 's happening to the marine ecosystem of the Antarctic .
13 John , we do n't know what 's happening at the moment , he 's , we 're not , we 're not at all sure .
14 The incoherence I think is that you ca n't ever say that anyone has lost because you do n't know what 's happening in the second and third and fourth erm batch , so I ca n't see how this system is meant to work , Mill seems to be fairly confident that it will .
15 We did n't know what was happening at the time , we thought he was choking .
16 " The Shah wanted to go to America because he did n't know what Sullivan was reporting and did n't know what was happening in the US .
17 During this time the patient will report on what has occurred since the last meeting and we will discuss what is to happen during the current visit .
18 I 'd forgotten what was happening in the world until Treacher pronounced those ancient incantations from my childhood .
19 The purchaser should also consider what is to happen to the business after the earn out period as it will be extremely difficult to motivate the vendor if he is still a key employee .
20 Governments in Britain in the eighteenth century did not do very much ; some of the neglect of the colonies simply paralleled what was happening in the British Isles .
21 ( 3 ) An observation question asks pupils to describe something without relating it to their knowledge of the situation , e.g. " Describe what is happening in the picture ? "
22 We may have our worries about the different future we see opening up before us — it would be odd if we did not — but surely we must see what is happening at the Brandenburg Gate as a European as well as a German triumph .
23 We may have our worries about the different future we see opening up before us — it would be odd if we did not — but surely we must see what is happening at the Brandenburg Gate as a European as well as a German triumph .
24 If your roof is not felted , it may be a little dustier in the roof space , but it will be better ventilated and you can see what is happening to the tiles and battens more easily .
25 With careful arrangement you can see what is happening in the next room ( with an open dividing door or glass panel ) or behind you or in the hall , even in the garden , thereby extending your range of vision and your range of information .
26 Notice the glass window which lets you see what 's happening inside the oven without opening the door .
27 In that you could see what was happening on the floor but it did n't show continuity of work which easily
28 It was attached to the monitor so the nurses could see what was happening to the baby and every time I had a contraction my stomach went rock hard so the belt dug into me .
29 The tabloid newspapers decided it was their duty to reveal that Gatting had invited a barmaid to his hotel room during the Test match , and that he and other players had taken part in ‘ sex romps ’ with girls from the hotel ; though how the newshounds , scrabbling around in the bushes outside , could see what was happening in the rooms was not really clear .
30 When pressed by the defence on how he could see what was happening in the dark the man replied : ‘ I was reared without lights .
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