Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the future " in BNC.

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1 To continue my predictions for the future .
2 It has its pointers to the future , but I would have forgiven any Vienna professor in 1876 who failed to predict what was to follow .
3 He describes his fears for the future in his book , Architect or Bee ?
4 ‘ I also tried to say that our unity was in the future when we believe that all things will be gathered together and completed in Christ and that therefore our policies of today have to reflect our longings for the future .
5 So , if we are grooming a horse and it tries to cow-kick us , we retaliate with a sharp verbal reproach or a smack with the flat of the hand , and usually the horse decides to accept that we are the boss and minds its manners in the future .
6 She also said the course , funded by the European Social Fund , boosted self-confidence and helped the women plan their businesses for the future .
7 He said : ‘ I am astonished that the Government , which hailed Jaguar as the flagship of the privatisation programme , has now wiped its hands of the future of the company , its workforce and the West Midlands car industry . ’
8 Members of Iraqi opposition groups in exile met in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , at end-February , but made little progress in overcoming their differences regarding the future of Iraq or plans to topple the regime of President Saddam Hussein .
9 She is meeting Christian Aid partners to gauge their views on the future of Hong Kong .
10 Perhaps one should note the care with which the present leader of the party , John Hume , chooses his words over the future of the North .
11 The investigation by the all-party Trade and Industry Committee opens as Labour accuse the Government of ‘ wiping its hands of the future of Jaguar , its workforce and the West Midlands car industry . ’
12 Arriving after a gruelling 13 hour flight , appeared bright and full of energy , almost immediately giving a press conference where she expressed her fears for the future of peace and democracy in her country .
13 To the Pharisees , who were blind to the evidence before their eyes , and were postponing their hopes to the future , our Lord responded , ‘ No one will say , ‘ Look , here it is ! ’ or , ‘ There it is ! ’ because the Kingdom of God is within you ’ ( Luke 17:21 ) .
14 In framing its policies for the future , we hope that the Council will fully acknowledge the importance of the land use planning system , something which is not clearly enough stated in Threshold 21 .
15 He reviewed the changes made during his period as Soviet leader saying that " a totalitarian system which deprived the country of an opportunity to become wealthy and prosperous a long time ago has been liquidated " , and he expressed his hopes for the future : " Some mistakes could probably have been avoided , much been done better , but I am sure that sooner or later our shared efforts will achieve results . "
16 But unless you spent a lot on flowers and balls for the children and on Mary 's birthday present , considering that you had our 15/ and some 5/ or more yes more of your own a month ago , on which no calls but fares need have been made , to which was added about 30/ ( or more ? ) lately , and from it all not 30/ was spent on the dress , you should have a sovereign left : add to this the wages of this month to come , and there should remain , after 35/ to the spectacle man , fully a sovereign , which , considering our needs for the future & also your promises , nay , certainties , at which I laughed , should go to the bank .
17 It could be that , with so much self-parody and saltiness riddling their core genre , ‘ Naive ’ presents their seeds for the future , displaying some key maverick black hearts leading noise into different pastures .
18 His geopolitical ( some would say his neo-imperialist ) strategy similarly demanded the continuance of a strong British Commonwealth , especially given his doubts concerning the future of democracy as relatively backward peoples gained their independence .
19 Sealink and P&O , with an estimated 80% share of the short-route ferry market , are pinning their hopes for the future on large capacity super-ferries and changes in manning procedures introduced after the last seamen 's strike .
20 She could shut her eyes to the future and be content to share the present with him , as her body longed to do .
21 On the right of the spectrum , nobles in the province of Tula lamented the effect of emancipation on their economic interests and sought a way of preventing the central administration from overriding their interests in the future .
22 The directors of the target must consider carefully any commitment with an offeror ( or anyone else ) which would restrict their freedom to advise their shareholders in the future ( eg not to consider competitive bids ) as such commitments may give rise to conflicts of interest or result in a breach of fiduciary duties .
23 The morning session was concluded by John Davis who gave his views on the future of the European display scene .
24 And why did they let Tommy , who believed his job was safe , give interviews outlining his plans for the future ?
25 But it may be observed that the general movement of culture offers little support to anyone who would pin his hopes for the future of man as a spiritual being on this kind of natural religion .
26 That 's where we 've come from , we 've talked about what 's what 's a available today , and we 've talked about where we 'd like to take our users in the future .
27 Having set our investment in bricks and mortar , we 're now setting our sights on the future .
28 From then on , we will be working on producing our recommendations for the future . ’
29 submitting your recommendations for the future .
30 Austria , Australia , West Germany and the Soviet Union were reportedly " considering an increase in their contributions " , while Japan , France and Bulgaria said at the meeting that they " would increase their contributions in the future " .
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