Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the best " in BNC.

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1 I d be interested to see who else has my ideas of the best team …
2 This means that , as part of an internal market , hospitals would trade with one another , with self-governing hospitals or with the private sector in order to provide their patients with the best treatment available .
3 Should you wish to change your holiday arrangements in any way we will endeavour to meet your wishes to the best of our ability .
4 The students were being fed contradictory messages and did what they could to lead their lives in the best way possible , given deteriorating conditions and mounting ideological and political debates .
5 The branch staff will give you details of the best loan for your purpose and will tell you exactly how much it will cost you .
6 The only uniformity of practice that the Board of Education desires to see in the teaching of Public Elementary schools is that each teacher should think for himself and work out for himself such methods of teaching as may use his powers to the best advantage and be best suited to the particular needs and conditions of the school .
7 I 'd like your recommendations for the best boiling , baking , roasting , chipping potatoes , three or four for different purposes but I 'm going to ask Walter to comment on the question first of all ?
8 Woe to those they serve who are clad in silk , loll on couches , and fill their bellies with the best of food and the richness of wine .
9 This is a great opportunity for LASMO 's team to pit its wits against the best in Britain , have a really enjoyable evening and help a most worthy cause .
10 To see that all parties get justice , are dealt with fairly and get the chance to put their cases to the best of their abilities .
11 Disciplined and naturally dignified , he was a most thoughtful and observant bowler , a little pacier than many left handers , but matching variation with accuracy in exemplary style , and always eager to pit his wits against the best .
12 What we needed desperately was more good information to put our resources to the best use .
13 The electronic mouse detector system introduced by Rentokil over a year ago has now received full patent protection [ no 2,179481 ] and several companies have installed the system in order to protect their businesses with the best possible ‘ early warning system ’ , yet without chemical rodenticides .
14 Analysts , particularly in the advertising world , ceaselessly try to unravel it , to help clients sell their products in the best markets .
15 If we compare our rates with the best , they were double those of the Netherlands in 1979 as we have seen , and by 1985 had worsened to two and one half times the Dutch rates .
16 After one or two formal speeches ( at which reference was made to our visit as the ‘ first short-term English course since the crushing of the Gang of Four ’ , and I tried to make a suitable reply , ) we were whisked off to the Friendship Hotel to a welcoming meal consisting of Peking duck , ancient duck 's eggs , and other good things , and I wielding our chopsticks to the best of our ability .
17 ‘ Keeper Paddy Hefferman got his fingertips to the best effort and was glad to find Ian Jones on the line to hoof the ball away .
18 It was a it was a competition between the carters to get their horses into the best condition .
19 As Norton Taylor points out , ‘ administrations have always attempted to present their policies in the best possible light ; to avoid public relations pitfalls ; to coordinate information policy ; and to counter bad news they can do little about … ’ .
20 It should not have been a surprise that companies sought to use that range of permissible techniques to present their results in the best light .
21 Telling them where they can put their cards in the best possible term
22 I 'd like to manage at the very highest level and pit my wits against the best .
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