Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] the sake " in BNC.

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1 For example , under the Land Compensation Act 1973 property owners are entitled to compensation for depreciation in the value of their land caused by such things as noise , vibration , smells , and fumes , resulting from public works , The underlying reasoning is that since the public is presumed to benefit greatly from the building of a motorway ( for example ) , private citizens who suffer as a result of its construction should not have to bear their loss for the sake of that wider public interest .
2 Asked whether executive chairman De Benedetti would be ready to sell his shares for the sake of the company , Passera pointed out that in the current capital-raising exercise , he is injecting $180m , and has burdened his own company with additional debt to help Olivetti .
3 If Alger Hiss could betray his country for the sake of Communism — and he is still trying to establish his innocence — where else among the highest in the land might treason be found ?
4 It was too dear to her to take on ‘ the degraded position of a woman who had forsaken husband and child and formed a union with her lover … she would always be a guilty woman continually threatened with exposure , deceiving her husband for the sake of a shameful union with a man who was a stranger and independent of her , and with whom she could not live a united life .
5 It seemed that the local inhabitants had betrayed their past for the sake of the fictitious glamour which the new name was imagined to convey .
6 As a sort of consolation for the others , it was agreed that a second force of cavalry , somewhat larger , perhaps two thousand , should come along behind , as support , but to keep their distance for the sake of secrecy and only move if called for .
7 When those efforts failed , Arnulf turned to Becket , trying to persuade him to moderate his views for the sake of ecclesiastical unity .
8 Because I am — unlike Anya — neither amateur nor fool , I once again suppress my emotions for the sake of strategic advantage , and say not a word .
9 Do you think some female musicians sacrifice their femininity for the sake of being in a rock group ?
10 More 's eloquence has set the tone for much historical writing on the subject , but while one should not deny that enclosures created a good deal of suffering , one should also remember that More was exaggerating his points for the sake of effect .
11 One day , or night , he would do that walk again , retrace his steps for the sake of nostalgia .
12 Now I am never ashamed of anything , for I consider shame to be a bourgeois and petty emotion , but this was the one occasion when I felt ashamed of myself , and I have never forgotten how sad it made me to have denied my principles for the sake of friendship and love — or what I imagined to be love .
13 I sacrificed my family for the sake of seven terrorists who were planning bombing raids in some of America 's major cities .
14 Gangs may fight their rivals for the sake of supremacy and pride , but they only attack innocent strangers for fun .
15 The princess , above , is said to have changed her mind for the sake of her father , Prince Rainier .
16 So theoretically ‘ a man can only exercise perfect love , and be completely dispossessed , if he is prepared to embrace death and renounce his body for the sake of human service ’ .
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