Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it at the moment " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't want to talk about it at the moment , Stephen , if you do n't mind . ’
2 ‘ There 's not a lot we can do about it at the moment , is there ? ’
3 There 's nothing you can do about it at the moment .
4 ‘ His neighbour is looking after it at the moment but I do n't think she 'll be prepared to keep it indefinitely .
5 Well , we 're all looking at it at the moment of , of course , but some of our first impressions are that for example on global warming , there 's no commitment to , to a carbon taxation .
6 I 've got plants growing in it at the moment .
7 On that talking point perhaps , would you go through the Channel Tunnel , knowing what you know about it at the moment ?
8 Well she said I 'd sort of thought of going , are you going , I says yeah okay I said , if you wo n't go I 'll , we 'll go together , I said but I do n't particularly want to get , you know , roped into it at the moment .
9 If I think the short-term one first , that 's perhaps the most obvious one , in the sense that most is written and talked about it at the moment , erm namely the cutbacks on expenditure in education .
10 ‘ Call Moinet ! ’ he ordered , walking completely into the room , ignoring Jenna 's blushes as she sat there in her nightie , which was n't particularly revealing but which felt like it at the moment .
11 I listened with great interest to my hon. Friend the Member for Liverpool , West Derby ( Mr. Wareing ) when he recounted all the difficulties that one experiences in that unhappy country , or what is left of it at the moment .
12 While Alex Higgins reckons snooker can seriously damage your health , Davis is positively thriving on it at the moment .
13 So what , I mean we 've been t talking around it at the moment .
14 What 's the main thing missing from it at the moment ?
15 The Save Venice trust are working on it at the moment .
16 Here , there 's no salaries attached to it at the moment .
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