Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] may [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Very few American politicians and officials were aware of the secret Quebec Agreement , which was not revealed to them until May 1947 , and none knew of the Hyde Park Aide-Memoir , which had been filed amongst Roosevelt 's papers .
2 This happened to me in May this year when I walked into ‘ Pluggers ’ shop ( Wet Pet of Detroit ) and saw the most beautiful pair of Ornate Birchirs ( Polypterus ornatipinnis ) I had ever seen for sale .
3 Those accused , besides Ransome Kuti and the two CD activists arrested with him on May 18 [ see p. 38900 ] , were the prominent human rights lawyer Gani Fawehinmi , arrested at his Lagos home on May 29 , and the president of the banned National Association of Nigerian Students ( NANS ) , Olusegun Mayegun , who was arrested with a NANS colleague on June 11 at Lagos University .
4 The parliamentary leader of the PRI , Antonio del Pennino , had an arrest warrant issued for him on May 14 .
5 Two former PSI mayors of Milan , Carlo Tognoli ( Tourism Minister in the outgoing government ) , and Paolo Pillitteri ( brother-in-law of the PSI leader Bettino Craxi ) , had investigation warrants issued against them on May 2 .
6 They were then released on bail and kept on it until May 1978 , a period of over four years ( i.e. a total of five-and-a-half years from the date of the original arrests ) .
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