Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [be] able " in BNC.

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1 In other words , was the quality plan sufficiently well completed for you to be able to utilize it ?
2 It 's what I expect for you to be able to work , really hard , get your homework done , work hard in your exams , I expect you to go to college .
3 I think forgiveness is extremely difficult and I think you have to have something done against you to be able to forgive .
4 ‘ OK , ’ Ari said , aware he wanted to get rid of her to be able to talk straight with Leila .
5 He was less prominent in the action than William Craig and he felt sufficiently distanced from it to be able to absent himself for a few days in the first week of the strike when he went to Canada to attend a funeral .
6 Are these sufficiently closely defined for us to be able to apply them to particular cases ?
7 Enough has survived for us to be able to trace the developing skills and aspirations of some groups of craft workers , but we can be sure that there were many crafts and other activities in the city of Knossos which have left no archaeological trace .
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