Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] few feet [prep] " in BNC.

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1 South-East Gully can be entered from a lower point , so dispensing with a few feet of scrambling above the climbs .
2 There was a movement in the undergrowth and a rabbit bobbed out into the clearing , settling to feed within a few feet of where he stood .
3 In any case , how could she look into his eyes and convince him she would n't touch him with a ten-foot pole when every time he came within a few feet of her she quivered inside , remembering the fierce and all too brief pressure of his mouth on hers ?
4 The driver reversed and the whole thing came away , dragged for a few feet by the car .
5 When it seemed that the sound and whatever it emanated from was about to overwhelm us , the engine and coaches of an express train appeared in the left-hand window and whizzed past a few feet from the front bumper .
6 She passed within a few feet of an arrow slit from which a light showed , but she was too far away to see into the room where the verderers were .
7 ‘ Ye can see me now , more 's the pity , ’ he grumbled as he pushed his way to the back , treading on a few feet in the process .
8 Robins found that Geiger readings there were halved when taken within a few feet of the ring of stones , as if the ring acted as a form of ‘ shield ’ .
9 He smiled and she pulled her robe tightly round her ; the bathroom that had seemed quite large had shrunk to the few feet between them .
10 A returning female alights within a few feet of where she last left her baby .
11 Although she did not even turn to look at him , a delicious warmth began to spread through her inert form — as though some electrical force was quietly pulsing across the few feet of water separating their bodies .
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