Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] few weeks before " in BNC.

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1 Wait until your baby has been walking for a few weeks before taking her for the first shoe fitting , as toes are crucial in gripping the floor while learning to toddle .
2 Of course , no day is typical and there are particular tensions which emerge in the few weeks before the Christmas break .
3 The date of an election is now known until a few weeks before the event , when the prime minister recommends a dissolution of Parliament to the Queen .
4 Ninety six male patients admitted to four surgical wards for elective repair of inguinal hernias under general anaesthesia were interviewed in hospital on the day before surgery and asked to complete two self evaluation questionnaires : a screen for pre-existing anxiety or depressive states using the hospital anxiety and depression scale ( HADS ) , in which patients were asked to score answers based on how they generally felt over the few weeks before admission , and an assessment of their current state of anxiety ( Spielberger STAI-X1 ) .
5 Gas gangrene , for which an effective cure was not discovered till a few weeks before the Armistice , claimed an ever-increasing toll ; during the April fighting on the Right Bank , one French regiment had thirty-two officers wounded of whom no fewer than nineteen died subsequently , mostly from gas gangrene .
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