Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [adj] rights [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Less worried than Kennedy by the inevitable opposition of southern white politicians , Johnson plunged into the fray and pressed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the face of prolonged southern senatorial opposition .
2 Figure 5.3 shows support for the Equal Rights Amendment ( ERA ) to the United States Constitution , proposed in 1972 but never ratified because although it passed through both houses of Congress it did not receive the positive vote of three-quarters of the State Legislatures within seven years , as required by the Constitution .
3 After an all-day private hearing involving lawyers for both sides , the European Commission of Human Rights will decide if there is a case to be answered before the Human Rights Court .
4 Independent reports , supported by evidence collected by the human rights organization Amnesty International , said that several dozen students were massacred .
5 The strike call was originally made by the human rights activist , Dr Andrei Sakharov , and two other leaders of the radical Inter-Regional Group , who want the Congress of People 's Deputies , which meets tomorrow , to discuss the amendment of Article 6 of the constitution , which guarantees the party its dominant position .
6 The President 's special adviser on international affairs , Bradman Weerakoon , had promised on Dec. 12 that the government would consider recent recommendations made by the human rights organization Amnesty International , including extending the investigations of a presidential commission on the disappeared and publishing its final report .
7 Family planning Salvadorean fashion has become so notorious as to be classified as a human rights issue .
8 And on the Catholic side , older nationalist members were opposed by a younger generation raised in the civil rights movement .
9 A number of demands which were to be raised by the civil rights movement were taken up by the manifesto .
10 Beginning in the 50s , we became active in a pre-civil rights movement and were later known as a civil rights school .
11 Amnesty had recorded 45 death-squad murders in the first eight months of 1990 , compared with 40 for the whole of 1989 , and said that killings , torture and disappearances were continuing despite the human rights agreement signed by the government and the FMLN on July 26 [ see p. 37707 ] .
12 At the weekend , he climbed into a twin-engined , four-passenger Cessna-310 provided by a human rights group … and headed back to the homeland he had abandoned .
13 But it should be noted that this document envisaged a definite stage of development in which Northern Ireland would be significantly changed as a result of success in achieving the reforms being demanded by the civil rights movement .
14 The deal is being financed by a one-for-seven rights issue to raise £5m .
15 She 's been asked to sit on a human rights commission and now she 's full of stories of gruesome tortures in Turkish prisons , of Russian poets locked up in psychiatric wards . ’
16 ICI reversed a 10p loss to close 6p better at 1,082p as fears eased of a massive rights issue to coincide with today 's results and expected demerger plans .
17 While attempting to respond to the civil rights movement and to the pressure from the Wilson government in London , O'Neill was being threatened from within the Unionist camp .
18 In June he dismissed a letter from President Havel of Czechoslovakia protesting at the human rights situation in Cuba as " ignorant of our country 's problems " .
19 Mr French believes he ’ s been targetted by an aninal rights group .
20 With this increasingly active role which Highlander was playing in the civil rights movement , it was only a matter of time until the reactionary extremism , which the blacks had long been fighting against , began to be directed at Highlander itself .
21 The killings have been surrounded by controversy ever since , but Government lawyers were arguing before the Human Rights Commission today that a British inquest has already ruled that the deaths were ‘ lawful ’ .
22 A report issued by the human rights organization Amnesty International in early February claimed continuing abuses of human rights in East Timor ( annexed by Indonesia in 1975 ) .
23 A report issued by the human rights group Amnesty International on Oct. 24 linked the armed forces with increased activity by right-wing death squads .
24 Bill who campaigns for the human rights group in Nottingham says there 's too much margin for error in the justice system .
25 Compensation claims amounting to US$400,000,000 for property destroyed and looted during the invasion [ see p. 37706 ] were outstanding against the US government ; estimates of the number of civilians killed during the fighting varied from the official US figure of 220 civilian dead [ see p. 37181 ] through that of 320 ( with 3,000 wounded ) given by a human rights group , Physicians for Human Rights , to one as high as 4,000 dead .
26 Pre-tax profits in 1992 climbed 49 per cent to £147.2 million , on turnover boosted by almost 24 per cent to £1.6 billion , as outlined in the recent rights issue document .
27 Advertisements were placed in the International Herald Tribune , the Washington Post and the New York Times at the end of January , purporting to announce that several well-known figures were withdrawing their support from a campaign backed by the human rights organization Amnesty International for the release from prison of Mohammed al-Fassi .
28 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on Feb. 20 accused the Moroccan authorities of engaging in the " systematic torture and ill-treatment of people held in police custody " , particularly in Casablanca .
29 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on May 9 urged the government to investigate allegations of the arbitrary arrest , detention , unfair trial and torture of hundreds of political dissidents .
30 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on June 26 said that nearly 400 political prisoners , mostly Islamic fundamentalists , had been imprisoned in Libya between January 1989 and April 1990 .
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