Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] bad [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In many ways , it could not have come at a worse time because the selectors are obviously considering alternatives after the defeat at Old Trafford and I would like to think I would be one of them . ’
2 ‘ I 'll show ya round with great pleasure , ’ said the affable manager , ‘ but I ca n't think of a worse theatre than this for your show . ’
3 We have to remember in terms of timing that we started with the Gulf War and then moved into perhaps what will be seen as the worst recession since the '30s .
4 The mist seemed like a bad omen and Sara 's heart sank a little .
5 Something similar occurs in a bad headache and a terrible catastrophe ; notice , however , that ? a bad catastrophe is pleonastic , which suggests that the dependent item must not be weaker than the notion encapsulated in the head .
6 Chris Wright , defending , said the two offences , freely admitted to police by Watson , happened during a bad patch when Watson was unhappy with army life .
7 But after plunging towards the relegation zone with just four points from the previous 21 , he admitted : ‘ We have been going through a bad time and We needed this win . ’
8 They 're going through a bad period and they 'll be looking for a positive result as well .
9 And the converters is that th the er commutators on the converters got in a bad state and er the engin the er Mr asked me what could you do with them .
10 A neglected cold turned to a bad fever and I was forced to stay behind in Newcastle , in hospital .
11 ‘ Our friend who got knocked down by a car , Mr Nowak , has fallen into a bad coma and he 's on the critical list . ’
12 And I was missing too many games complaining of a bad knee when there was nothing really wrong with it .
13 Certainly , for your first few flights , your left hand should be close to the release knob , so that you can release immediately if you get into a bad swing or a wing-tip goes onto the ground .
14 The woman who let Britain slide into the worst depression since the 30s was paid £250,000 last week for just three days ' work on a lecture tour .
15 She suffers from a bad foot and can hardly walk .
16 That 's the end of the shipping forecast but just to remind you that Radio Four long wave in Northern Scotland , Orkney and Shetland is off the air as the bulkhead transmitter has been affected by the bad weather but as soon as it 's repaired we will repeat the shipping forecast for the areas affected that 'll be on long wave only and F M will continue with scheduled programmes .
17 The Court held on the one hand that the protection of the Directive was a matter of public policy and so the worker could not trade away his right under the Directive to the maintenance of the same terms and conditions , even if ‘ the employee obtains new benefits in compensation for the disadvantages resulting from an amendment to his contract of employment so that , taking the matter as a whole , he is not placed in a worse position than before ’ ( point 15 ) .
18 Provided the springboard doctrine is sensibly applied and injunctions granted only in the clearest of cases so that the recipient of the information is not effectively placed in a worse position than if he had not received it , the interests of both the supplier of the information and the recipient can be satisfied .
19 Overall , these families frequently tend to be placed in the worst housing or on the worst estates , partly perhaps because of their inability to pay higher rents , and partly because local authorities have always been inclined to allocate poor people and slum dwellers to particular estates ( Gray , 1979 ) .
20 She said : ‘ I then realised there were people just like me , and people who had gone through a worse hell than me . ’
21 ‘ Paula started to tell me about another woman who Eddie had begun seeing and she said that the marriage had gone through a bad patch and divorce proceedings had been started , ’ Miss Coltman said .
22 But then he went into a bad fit and did n't come out of it .
23 This has made it difficult for Britain to compete on the world market , and this in turn has eventually led to a worse slump and level of unemployment than would otherwise have been the case had there been no political intervention in the working of the naturally self-regulating free economy of the market .
24 I tried to think of the worst thing that Quigley had done .
25 MPs want to persuade bosses that Labour is the party of the future after almost 14 years of Tory rule have resulted in the worst recession since the war .
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